Sales Order Inventory Pick Sequence

Sales Order Inventory Pick Sequence

In Inventory Locations there is now the ability to set a position number or sequence number on each location to facilitate picking multiple order products quickly and efficiently. This is an optional field.

Only locations that have ‘Items Stored Here’ can have a Position Number set.

We would recommend setting the numbers initially in 10’s to allow inserting other locations into the sequence if required.

Lower numbers are used for locations that are closest to the start point.

When the picking list is produced for the sales order, the locations with no Pick Sequence are listed first with those with a pick sequence defined following in sequence order.

In the example above, the first two items have no pick sequence set, while the remaining 3 are listed in pick sequence order.

To expand on this functionality, you can now select multiple sales orders from the IQ Store Board and print a combined picking list, where the items for all the orders are listed in pick sequence order…

Note the multiple sales order numbers….

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