Roll Inventory Workflow

Roll Inventory Workflow for Sheeting Purposes

When working with different types of inventory, sometimes it is necessary to purchase rolls by weight, then sheet the rolls for use in a sheetfed environment. The following are the steps designed to allow you to create roll inventory, track inventory, and withdraw it. 

It is imperative that each of these steps is completed correctly in setting up the Stock sizes, the Inventory Types and the Stock itself.  Please read through and check that you are in compliance throughout to ensure success. 

Creating A Roll Inventory

Step 1 - Create a Stock Size

In order to quote multiple rolls sizes for a web roll, each of the sizes you plan on ordering need to be created.
This is done under ADMIN➥FACTORY➥Configuration➥Inventory➥Stock Sizes

  1. Enter a name that will make sense to your staff
  2. Enter the Stock width (either in mm or inches)
  3. Enter 0 for the length
  4. Check the box "is roll"
  5. Check the box "variable length" - this is for web rolls that typically come in at different lengths depending on the mill cut. 

Step 2 - Set up the Inventory Type

Typically web rolls are ordered by weight (either by CWT (100 weight) or LB or KG).
You need to create these to have them pickable in the stock unit type.
This is done under ➥ADMIN➥INVENTORY➥Unit Types➥ CLICK Create Inventory Unit Type 

Set it up for LBs,

or KGs

or CWT

This will allow you to purchase in the unit you require. 

Step 3 - Create the Stock

Create the overall stock

This is done under ➥ADMIN➥CONFIGURATION➥Stock 

Specify the Unit Type you will be ordering in:

Create the individual Roll size:

Then create the individual roll sizes for this stock, using the "STOCK SIZE" you created previously:

  1. Choose the stock size you created (you may have created a whole host of them) *
  2. Choose the units you will ORDER in - ie. LBS if you are ordering a truck load of 44,000 lbs or KGs if you are ordering the equivalent in KG's  (ie. 20 metric tonnes of paper) AND enter the cost per LB or KG. 
  3. Choose the units you will SELL in - ie. LBS or KG's  AND enter the cost per LB or KG as you want it to show in the quote.**
  4. Check the box "manage by weight" - this is important for stocks that are 
  5. This is when the core weight is important.  To figure it out weigh a roll end with from one of your splicers (ie. with the 1" of paper left on the roll), record its weight.***
*Don't forget you can use the bulk stock uploader to create multiple records for web stocks, ie. every 1/2 inch if you have a large inventory of rolls. 
*You may order in CWT and consume in LBS, and that is acceptable. 
You can mathematically figure out for the rest of the rolls once you have one roll weighed. For instance, if you weight a 35" roll core and found it to be 15 lbs, you can use the formula:   
Roll Core Weight of sample / Roll Length of sample * New Roll Size = Core Weight.
( 15lbs / 35inches * 12.5inches ) = 5.357 lbs

Purchasing Roll Stock

To purchase roll stock you will follow the same basic guidelines as purchasing sheet stock with a couple of differences.

Step 1 - Create a Stock Purchase Order from Inventory

To create a stock from inventory - Go to the inventory screen ➥ADMIN➥INVENTORY➥ITEMS➥
  1. You can apply a filter here for the item type of "paper"
  2. Select your specific stock size
  3. Click the Create Purchase order (from selected)

You can order more than one stock at a time checking the box for several stocks. If you needed to make up a 44,000 truck, you could select the sizes you needed, and change the weight until you get close to a truckload. 

Step 2 - Edit the Purchase Order

  1. Enter the amount of LBs (Kgs) you wish to order
  2. Make sure your unit matches -ie. LBs (Kgs)  if you are ordering LBs.
  3. Enter the unit price per LB (Kg) 
  4. Click Create Purchase Order

Receive the Purchase Order

Once the purchase order has been sent...  you can now receive it  ➥ADMIN➥INVENTORY➥Purchase Orders➥

A. Select your IPO (Inventory Purchase Order) - click the Receipt button.

If you need to use lot numbers check out this article: Inventory Lot Tracking

B. Confirm the actual quantity that was received & click Confirm Receipt of Goods. 

C. This will now show up in your inventory system:

Sheeting Rolls

Once the inventory has been received into stock it will be placed into the warehouse until consumed. If you need to transfer inventory into sheets (by sheeting the rolls) follow the following steps:

1. Determine the Number of Rolls (Pounds)  you need will sheet

If you are purchasing rolls, and sheeting them down either for a specific job, or simply to build inventory you need to "draw down" your roll inventory and increase your sheet inventory. 
Determine the number of rolls you will need.

There are some great tools on the web for this such as:
If you know the roll weight, you and the size you want to sheet it down to, you can easily figure this out. The above linked tool can help (but you probably have tools of your own too):

  1. You can enter the roll weight from your manifest. 
  2. The roll width
  3. The cut-off you desire (what length you are sheeting down to)
  4. The Ream Size - Newsprint or Book (which is text, offset or cover)
  5. The Basis weight of your stock
Then press the calculate button and it will give you the linear feet and the number of impressions (unless you use metric and then it will give you the linear meters etc).
Once you know this you know how many rolls you will need to convert. 

2. Draw down your Roll inventory by the Pounds you are going to sheet

  1. Go to the inventory screen ➥ADMIN➥INVENTORY➥ITEMS➥
  2. Find your inventory and click on Adjustment

Make the Adjustment:

  1. Make the Calculation: If I have a job requiring 40,000 sheets of 12.5x19 of my sample 30# stock, it would be 600 Lbs. I might loose 100 Lbs in the sheeting process
  2. Deduct 700 Lbs from the Quantity on hand (ie 44340.79 lbs - 700 lbs = 43,640.79). 
  3. Choose a reason (ie. Combined lots)
  4. Ender the Reduced quantity left into the updated quantity and leave a note explaining your math

3. Now you need to increase the inventory of sheets you are creating through sheeting

  1. Go to the inventory screen ➥ADMIN➥INVENTORY➥ITEMS➥
  2. Find your inventory and click on Adjustment

Make the Adjustment:

  1. Update the quantity to reflect the number of sheets you created from the rolls
  2. Enter the unit cost through calculating it  (ie. 700 Lbs of paper @ $0.5724  per Lb = $400.68 / 40,000 sheets = .0010) 
  3. Enter any conversion notes you want to travel with the job

Make sure the stock you are converting to is using units of 1 sheets
This will now show up in your inventory:

Withdrawing Rolls for Web Jobs

It should be noted that if you are not "sheeting rolls" but withdrawing them into web jobs, IQ withdraws inventory on jobs in linear feet, not in LBs.  You can purchase in LBs, Inventory in LBs but when stock is withdrawn, it is wthdrawn in linear feed, with the system calculating the LBs for costing purposes. 

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