This can be used by a customer or sales person. To begin a RFQ, select Start Order and choose Request for Quote.



Select the site and the customer.



Fill in all the standard information and choose a contact for the RFQ. If the required contact is not in the drop down list use to add in the new contact.


The notes field will populate the description box when submitted if the RFQ is converted into a custom full outsource or outsource quote.


You can then select the template type within the drop down.



The templates types can be customized if required for the information you require.


Custom 1 template type gives you the multiple text box fields. They are a default list of basic options, so they’re simple and quick to fill in. The field names can be updated to be called whatever you require.



Custom 2 does not give you any extra fields and could ideally be used for outsource quotes.


Once all the information is entered, save the RFQ.



Now it’s saved and you have created a request you can now upload supporting documents if required.


You can also see the RQF status; Quote requested.


Whilst the RFQ is in this status the information can be edited and updated if needed.


It is now ready for an estimator to create the quote. The estimator can view the RFQ via the RFQ quotes board under View Quotes > View RFQ Quotes.




Once in the RFQ board, filters can be used to display the RQF’s statue.


Dates can be entered to narrow searches down and “My Request Only” can be used to only show the user’s RFQ’s.


When opened, the RFQ status can be changed to ‘In Progress”, to ensure it is locked down.



Then a quote template can be chosen and quoted created.



This takes the user into a custom quote in a new tab. From here, the user can still have the RFQ open and can go between the two tabs to get the information that you need.


In the custom quote the RFQ populates the template type and title only.



The user can then enter in the required information.



Once the quote is calculated the RFQ details will appear.



At this point the user can change the status of the RFQ to ‘Quote Completed’.



Then the person the quote is assigned to can be chosen, and a blue button will appear.



When clicked the user will be sent a RFQ Quote details e-mail and the RFQ progress is complete.


From the view quotes screen you can see any quotes which are linked to a RFQ.


Article ID: 1209, Created: July 19, 2017 at 2:10 PM, Modified: Today at 8:34 AM



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