REPORTS - List All Quotes Showing User That Created Quote

REPORTS - List All Quotes Showing User That Created Quote

If your system is licensed for IQanalytics Report Writer, you may design your own reports.

This is a supplementary article specifically related to creating a report listing all quotes showing the user that created the quote. 

For more detail on designing reports, please refer to Knowledge Base Article  here.

To run a report listing all quotes showing which user created the quote, join the [VW_Reporting_Users].[User ID] to the [VW_Reporting_Quotes].[User ID] those will result in the quote creator.

See here: 

If you want to also show who accepted the quote, the [VW_Reporting_Jobs] view has an [Accepted by User ID] field you can also join to the [User ID] field of [VW_Reporting_Users]. 

There are no plans to incorporate an Export function on the Quotes screen.

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