Reports - Designing a Dashboard

Reports - Designing a Dashboard


Once a number of reports and charts have been created, you can place different charts onto a single Dashboard for high level views of printIQ’s database.
These dashboards have their unique sharing permissions and may be set as default for printIQ Users when they hit the landing page.
From a Reports List view, use the file menu to make a New Dashboard

The controls along the top allow you to:

  • Create a New Dashboard vai ‘+’ button
  • Refresh the current dashboard, if data to a corresponding chart / report has been altered behind the scenes
  • Display any Filters (if available) for the dashboard
  • Set Sharing Permissions for the dashboard
  • Schedule the dashboard to run / email for users on a reqular basis
  • Print the dashboard
  • Save / Save As the dashboard
  • Email a link or PDF of the dashboard
You add charts and / or reports by hitting the ‘+’ button on the initial tile, or any tile as you hover your mouse over the canvas

Choose the corresponding category your report / chart exists and choose the part you wish to place onto the dashboard

You can continue to add additional charts / reports via the same method, resize and move any tile around the canvas

Click the chart header to rename title within dashboard, or jump back into the original report for editing

Lastly, share the dashboard and set permissions for the groups

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