You can add ‘Reference’ fields into IQ for additional job information.
Any reference fields will show on the quote page under the ‘product description’:
And on the job details page under the:
To access the ‘References’ admin page, go to ‘Admin’, ‘References’:
You have 20 reference fields you can use:
Under ‘Reference Fields’ to create the field and its details. Under ‘Groups’ you can create groups that these fields will show under:
..and name it:
The group is now created:
You can create fields that just show in either the quote, job or both.
Click the ‘eyeglass’:
Type: You can create a text field, a number field, options list and a date field. In this example we will create an options list:
We will add it to our group we created called ‘Reference Group A’. If you do not make a group it will just show under a ‘General’ group.
Give the field a name:
Create the items you require to show in the list:
If you want one of the items to show as the default, add that under the ‘Default Value’:
Click the ‘Active’ checkbox and ‘Save’:
The reference field will now move to a new list at the top:
You will now see the list of 20 ‘JobReferences’:
Click on the ‘eyeglass’ next to the job reference and a window will drop down. Use the top part to create a standalone reference or the ‘Copy From’ to link it to a ‘Quote Reference’:
To link the ‘jobreference 1’ to ‘quotereference1’, Select the ‘location’ as ‘quote’ and select ‘1’ from the list:
It will now show on the list at the top: