Quoting with Lanes

Quoting with Lanes

Label printing utilises the concept of lanes when laying up the run imposition for production.
To enable this we have included a lanes calculator into our quote templates.
In this example we have x3 kinds of label at a size of 100mm x 100mm.
Version A: x18,000
Version B: x36,000
Version C: x9000
When starting the quote, the ‘Versions’ are entered at the top of the screen.
When using Advanced Kinds, the kind name will auto-populate with a placeholder (Version A).
If you don't enter anything in this text box, and only enter a quantity, it will use the default placeholder name.
If you enter text, your entered text will be used as the kind name:

Against the ‘section’ select the stock, colours and any section operations. This can include selecting a die as the number up set against the die will be auto populated in the calculation process.
Now click on the ‘Runs Calculator’: 

Runs/Lanes Logic

Pick the solution that is "best" based on the:
least number of overs, then the least number of runs, then least number of splits for each kind over runs

The calculator screen will drop down. Two fields are available for manual entry:
Number of Lanes: This is manually entered or pulled from the number across of the linked die.
Labels Per Roll: This is optional but is used in the calculation when entered.
For our example we have a 3up die linked and require 3000 qty per roll: 

The field ‘Labels per Roll’ does not currently work with Dynamic Catalog functions, only with Custom Quoting

When we click ‘Calculate’, printIQ will calculate the run splits. Here we have calculated 2 runs producing zero overs:

To use the layouts calculated, select ‘Save & Close’.

A grid will show in the section outlining the breakdown:

Finish the quote by adding your job-based operation and ‘Get Price’:

This will calculate the quote and split each run into its own production section:  

If any overs are produced as part of the calculation, you will be flagged showing the kind and qty of overs produced:

Editing calculated run splits

The calculated default run splits can be edited if they do not match how you would like to produce the job. The calculator has various edit options allowing you to manually override the default:

QUOTE: Inside the calculated lanes are the following edit options:

Edit Run

This lets you change the ‘Run Quantity’:

Add Kind to Run

This lets you add any ‘kind’ not currently attached to this run:

Remove Lane
Lets you delete the entire run from the list:

Remove Kind
Lets you remove that kind from the run:

New Run
Lets you add an additional run to the quote:

Editing at a job level

Edits can be done at job stage using ‘Version Quote’ or ‘Change Quantity’.
‘Change Quantity’ is more limited than ‘Version Quote’. You cannot ‘add’ or ‘remove’ runs, only change the kinds and qty attached to the existing runs.
Use ‘Version Quote’ for edits requiring a change of the number of runs. 
This is because printIQ generates the job as individual sections. So, a quote with 2 ‘runs’ will create 2 line items on the production boards:

In the job details, you can see the kinds assigned to each run/section:

Under the ‘Edit Job’ screen, you can edit from the ‘Change Quantity’ tab:

In this example we have 2 runs. Run 1 contains B & C. Run 2 contains A & D:

Due to the label colours, we want to reconfigure to have Run 1 containing A & B and Run 2 to contain C & D.
Click the ‘Runs Calculator’ button to open the modal:

The ‘Runs Calculator’ modal will show:

Click ‘Calculate’ to include the calculated runs for editing:

On Run 1’ I can delete ‘Kind C’:

And add ‘Kind A’:

Next, I edit the number up of each kind:

Then edit the ‘Run Quantity’:

To x5000:

Now I do the edits to ‘Run 2’ to remove Kind A, add Kind C and edit quantity:

Now the runs are allocated as required, click ‘Save & Close’:

This closed the modal. Now click ‘Save’ to recalculate the jobs workings:

From the modal, select ‘Confirm’:

The job is now updated with the new configuration:

Edits requiring changes to the number of runs generated use ‘Version Quote’ workflow:


The lanes configuration is included in the xml:

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