Quoting Upload CSV Field Details

Quoting Upload CSV Field Details

By default quote upload CSV imports live here: 

You can search your menu using magnifying glass in the menu as per screenshot below.

Download the latest CSV Import Template:

A CSV file will download, enter required details into the spreadsheet:


Example Data




The type is either "Product" or "Delivery" If the product is required to be delivered then it must have both a Product and a Delivery Line

*Line Ref


The Line Ref is used to associate a Product with a Delivery. If the product line reference is 1 then the Delivery line for that product will be 1. Split deliveries can be set for a product by referencing the Product Line Ref.

Order ref


The Order ref shows in the PO reference field on the job. If you keep the same order ref for each product, those lines will be added as individual products under the same quote/job number. All lines containing a new or blank "Order ref" column have the following required fields: Customer code, Address line 1, Address city, Address country, Address post code, Contact first name, Contact surname, Contact email

Customer code [REQUIRED_ON_ORDER]


Customer code under which the order will be created

Job title

My Test Job

This will show in the Job Title on the job

Due date

31/12/19 01:00:00 PM

The expected format for due date is dd/MM/yy hh:mm tt, for example: 05/03/19 06:33 PM 

Series ref

Campaign 1

If Required - Enter existing series or If it does not exist then it will be created in print IQ on save

Address line 1 [REQUIRED_ON_ORDER]

100 Queen Street

Address – The address field is mandatory so must be included in the spreadsheet line. The “Product” type line will have these details entered as the Contact Details. The “Delivery” Type will have these details entered as the Delivery Contact details. Note: The delivery method chosen will be the cheapest available

Address line 2

Address line 3

Address city [REQUIRED_ON_ORDER]


Address state


Address country [REQUIRED_ON_ORDER]


Address post code [REQUIRED_ON_ORDER]


Contact first name [REQUIRED_ON_ORDER]


Contact surname [REQUIRED_ON_ORDER]


Contact email [REQUIRED_ON_ORDER]

Product ref

All lines containing a new or blank "Product ref" column have the following required fields: Quantity, Tree node, Size (width), Size (height)


For XMPie Products


For XMPie Products

Attributes 1 (list)

For XMPie Products

Attribute 2

For XMPie Products

Attribute 3

For XMPie Products



Enter Quantity



Product - Must have a value of 1 or above

Delivery – If your Product line has multiple Kinds the Delivery lines must have the Total Quantity with a kind of 1. Example – Product 5 x 5 Kinds – Delivery line will be 25 x 1 Kind.


Business Cards

This is the Product Category NAME - The ID Number is not used on this spreadsheet - Any existing Product Category can be used as this is a requirement to generate a job.



You can only add one section per row. If you have multiple sections duplicate the row and change the section type with updated specifications. Ie – Cover / Text 



This is the Stock code found in Admin>Configure Factory>Stock



Code found at Admin>Configure Factory>Processes – use the Short Name



Code found at Admin>Configure Factory>Processes – use the Short Name



Enter Width in mm



Enter Height in mm


Flat Sheet

Enter Fold Catalogue "Description" NOT the Fold Catalogue 



Enter Pages - If flat Product 2 

Front side operations 1 (list)

Gloss Laminate

Enter the operation name in here. If you have up to 3 operations place them in the separate columns OR If you have 2 or more then enter them in this column with a comma "," Separator. The operation names used in the SectionFinish, SideFinish & JobFinish fields are found at Admin>Configure Factory> Operations. Use the “Name” field 

Front side operation 2

Front side operation 3

Reverse side operations 1 (list)

Gloss Laminate

Enter the operation name in here.  If you have up to 3 operations place them in the separate columns OR  If you have 2 or more then enter them in this column with a comma "," Separator.

Reverse side operation 2

Reverse side operation 3

Section operations 1 (list)

Round Corner,Drill,Collate

Enter the operation name in here. If you have up to 3 operations place them in the separate columns OR If you have 2 or more then enter them in this column with a comma "," Separator.

Section operation 2

Section operation 3

Job operations 1 (list)


Enter the operation name in here.  If you have up to 3 operations place them in the separate columns OR If you have 2 or more then enter them in this column with a comma "," Separator.

Job operation 2


Job operation 3


Section artwork pdf url

The artwork must be referenced by a Public URL or an FTP site. As an Example  -ftp://username:password@ftp.com/file.pdf or a publicly available URL such as a public AWS S3 Bucket

Target retail price


Retail Price Inc GST

Note: If the Invoice is set to use component lines the Price Override will not be successful. 

Target freight price


Freight Price Inc GST

New product code

Enter the required Product Code that you wish to assign to the custom product you create. If this is left blank Print IQ will assign a code for you

Once complete, choose file and import to printIQ:

The system will verify the file

Import – The import area will indicate the number of products and deliveries that will be created when you select Import CSV

When import is complete you will be presented with a summary in Live Results where you can download a Results CSV. The last 2 columns of this CSV will detail the Quote Number, Job Number and Job Price created for each Product Line:

The job will then show on your All Jobs board.

Quote Product References on Simplified and Custom Upload CSV Quotes
When uploading simplified or custom orders via CSV, any defined QuoteProduct References values can be set per product on upload.

The downloadable CSV Upload Template has the first three QuoteProduct References as column headings.
Up to 30 QuoteProduct references can be updated via the CSV upload by selecting the three headings and dragging to the right to create as many incrementing headers as required, up to a total of 30.

The reference definitions can be configured to be in any order in printIQ by grouping and dragging the references in the reference admin screen.
Likewise, the reference value columns can be present on the CSV in any order, however the column names must match the Quote Product Reference number that is to be updated.

If a reference is not used, the whole column referring to it can be removed from the CSV.

If the quote product references are flagged as ‘Required’ but not set on the CSV upload file, the upload will still occur, but the references on the products will not be populated and must be updated before the quote can be accepted.

Finally, if the CSV has reference values for a quote product reference that has been deactivated, those values are simply ignored during the import.

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