QUOTING - Remote Quoting

QUOTING - Remote Quoting


If you have had a job quoted from another supplier with Print IQ, you can use their quote number to pull the job through into your system without having to re-enter the job details.

Below is quote Q270461 from a suppliers IQ site:




The job details are:




In your local IQ site, make a new quote under the ‘Custom’, ‘Full Outsource’ option. You will see there is a field called ‘Remote Quote No’:




Enter the suppliers quote number and click the ‘+’ button:



The quote will now populate with the quote details. Click ‘Create Outsource’ to continue:



Now click ‘Update Quote’:




Click ‘Select’:




You now have a quote. Add your mark-up and continue as usual.




From here the process is the same as you would follow on a standard ‘Full Outsource’ quote.