QUOTING - Custom - Advanced Quantity Mode

QUOTING - Custom - Advanced Quantity Mode


'Advanced Quantity Mode' provides additional flexibility when quoting on a product with various quantities related to each kind.
From within the custom quote template, you have a link to switch to the 'Advanced Quantity Mode':

Within this mode, we have two different options:
  1. Individual Item Quantities: You have multiple sections each with a different quantity.
  2. Split into Kinds: Each section may have multiple 'Kinds' each with a different quantity.
  3. Individual Item Quantities with Impression Counts: This functionality was added to assist in the letter/mail shop space for when you are may end up with a variable number of pages needing to be printed.

Individual Item Quantities

Multiple sections each with a different quantity.
In the example quote below there are 2 sections

Section 1 - requires 1000;
Section 2 - requires 2500;
Enter the required quantities next to each section:
Note: The total quantity shown at the bottom just represents the 'highest' qty in the list. In this case 2500:

Once the quote is priced, each section will calculate the costs based on the individual quantities allocated to each

Split into Kinds
Sections may have multiple 'kinds' each with different quantities.
There are two options in this mode:
  1. KINDS: This option works for offset/commercial print where there are 'plates and press make readys' involved in the production process.
  2. PACKS: This option is for digital print and mailing packs where no 'plates and press make readys' are involved in the production process.

Spilt into Kinds - KINDS

Enable this feature for Offset printed material.

For OFFSET, this process requires a skilled estimator to manually break the imposition up as required.

Spilt into Kinds - KINDS Example
In this example we have A3 posters that have the same print specs but we require 3 kinds each with a different quantity:

Click Split into Kinds .
Click Kinds .
Click + New.

Enter a name for each kind and the quantity required. On the right you will see the total print quantity:

You can now price the quote.
At this point, IQ will give you a very basic split and it is up to you to refine the impositions as required.
You need to go into the sections 'Advanced Production Options' to view the splits:

IQ has defaulted all to be 1up:

What I require is have all the posters imposed up on the one sheet to reduce the number of plates and press makereadies.
So I know an A3 will fit 4up on a 650x910 sheet size.
I select the required sheet size and alter the 'Run Quantity' to be 375 (that being the 750 qty divided by 2).

Above I can now see that the job will be imposed 1up of A&B and 2up of C.
  I update the quote again and the workings now match what I have selected:


As a more complex quote, this example shows how to quote multiple booklets with the folds 'ganged' for print efficiency

For this quote, I want to quote the following:
  1. x4 kinds of Saddle stitched booklets:
  2. BOOK A - 8pp plus cover x1500
  3. BOOK B - 12pp plus cover x500
  4. BOOK C - 16pp plus cover x2500
  5. BOOK D - 28pp plus cover x5000

First I manually work out how I want to impose the above job and come up with:

  1. Cover D - 4up on a 1250 run (650x910 sheet)
  2. Cover A,B & C - A&B 1up / C 2up on a 1500 run (650x910 sheet)

  1. Text 4pp B&D - B 1up /D 3up on a 1667 run (650x910 sheet)
  2. Text 8pp A&B - A 1up / B 1up on a 1500 run (650x910 sheet)
  3. Text 8pp D - 2up on a 2500 run (650x910 sheet)
  4. Text 16pp C - 1up on a 2500 run (650x910 sheet)
  5. Text 16pp D - 1up on a 5000 run (650x910 sheet)

I setup the quote as:

Now under the 'Advanced Quantity Mode', create a 'kind' for each booklet, select 'Kinds' and click on 'Per Section'.
Click on each section you want allocated to the relevant section imposition:

I also know I want to print the entire job on the 'KSP640 Perfector' press on a 650x910 sheet size.
Under the 'Job' production method (so it applies to all sections) I select the press:

And under 'Advanced Production Options' I select the required sheet size:

Now you can calculate the quote.
Finally, check each sections pricing components to confirm your sheet run quantity's are correct:

*Another handy feature here is that you can create each book individually and then the 'ganged' version to enable you to compare costs of ganged v individual.

You can then either charge the ganged price, the individual price of meet somewhere in-between.

Consolidating into a single kind

In this example, we are quoting a book with 8 kinds of cover and 112pp text.
But there are two different 112pp text sections (different languages for example).
To quote this we have created the 2 different texts as their own sections (Text 112pp A & Text 112pp B):

When allocating the text to the relevant covers in the grid, we have all covers using ‘Text 112pp A’ except for cover ‘Blue 4’.
This cover uses ‘Text 112pp B’:

The issue we have here is that the calculation will see all 8 text sections as unique kinds.
Therefore making text A into 49 runs and text be as the correct 7 runs (112pp /16pp = 7 sections):

To correct this, under the ‘Advanced Production Options’ for Text 112A, select the ‘Single Kind’ checkbox:

This will remove the multiple kinds and see the section as a single kind only:

When recalculating the quote.
The text will consolidate and output the correct 7 runs based on the total quantity of the individual kinds linked.

Split into Kinds - PACKS

Digital Prints

If the job is to be digitally printed, you would do the same process as above but select 'Packs' in place of 'Kinds':

NOTE: Using 'Packs' mode, under the 'Advanced Production Options' you will not get the 'Run Quantity' options in the window as they are not required:

In the quote workings, you will see the 'Finished Sheets' as the 'total sheets required' based on the number up of the imposition:

Mail Packs
In this example, we have a 'mail pack quote' that comprises of a Brochure, Flyer and an Envelope:

We want to split this into two mail packs:
  1. Pack 1 - contains all three items and a quantity of 3000 is required.
  2. Pack 2 - contains flyer and envelope only and a quantity of 1000 is required.
Click Split into Kinds.
Click Packs.
Click + New.

Enter a name of the kind/pack and the quantity:

Click the 'Per Section' checkbox and you will see the items available show next to each pack:

Click the box of each item required per pack and it will highlight in blue.
On the right you will also see the total quantity that will be printed for each item:

The quote can now be priced

  1. You can also upload kinds if you have lots.
  2. Create a new CSV in Excel
  3. In Column A: Type your description
  4. In Column B: Enter a quantity 

Your Kinds will be added:

Individual Item Quantities with Impression Counts


When using ‘Advance Kinds Mode’ in printIQ from within the Custom Quoting platform we have the additional functionality to cater for altering the ‘Impression Counts’.  This functionality was added to assist in the letter/mail shop space for when you are may end up with a variable number of pages needing to be printed

Individual Item Quantities with Impression counts Example
An example of this may be your Cell phone bills where the first side of the front sheet is Color and the other impressions are all Black.

The example laid out below is for 9000 packs.  The Letter section in this pack is variable and can require some bills to run onto a second leaf.  Some of these second leaf have enough information to actually run on to the back of the second leaf. 

With using the ‘Impression Counts’ this is requiring you to enter the amount of impressions that you are wanting to charge for. With the below example we have 9,000 color impressions and a total of 22,000 Black impressions.  Since we have 22,000 Black impressions we needed to add the additional leaf into the paper stock calculations. This is where we have altered the total quantity on the left to be 18,000 as this is the number of leaves, we require to print on.

When we get to the workings of the quote you can see that we have been charged for the 18,000 sheets along with 9,000 Color Impressions and 22,000 Black Impressions.

In a traditional Lettershop space we do not normally know these numbers that we are going to be printing until the files have arrived on any given day.  With knowing that information we have made it available to alter these numbers via the ‘Edit Job’ platform where we can alter the same numbers and apply the additional charges to the order via the production  

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