Quote Questions on RFQs

Quote Questions on RFQs

Quote questions can be added to RFQ templates.

In Quote Questions (Admin > Configure Factory > Quote Questions) there is an additional mapping selector to map the quote question to specific RFQ Template(s).

The drop-down selector shows all active RFQ Templates…

Unlike Quote Question mappings for Processes or Finishing operations, there is no ‘qualifier’ for these questions.

Once added to an RFQ, they appear every time.

Once selected…

Click ‘Add’…

When the template is opened…

This quote questions will appear.

The quote questions work in the same way in RFQ's as they do in Simplified and Custom Quoting.

Text boxes, single selects, multi selects, radio buttons and look-ups all work as you would expect.

The order that the Quote Questions appear in the RFQ's is controlled by the Quote Question admin screen order.

You can arrange the quote questions using  on the left of them to click and drag the questions into the order you want them to appear in on the RFQ.

Once you have the Quote Question list in the order you want, click ‘Save Order’ to save them…


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