Quote - Price all sections on the same press

Quote - Price all sections on the same press


Often a job can be split out into many sections.
For example, a large page count booklet. For consistency in quality, these can be required to all be produced on the same press. 

How it works

Custom Quoting
When custom quoting, at a job level under the ‘Advanced Production Options’:

Check ON the option ‘Price Sections On Same Press’:

This will look at the ‘section type’ allocated to each section.
When the section type matches, printIQ will quote all same section types on the same press/worksty le.
Sections are allocated a ‘section type’. The logic for pricing on the same press works of matching the same section type:

In this example, we cave a Cover with a ‘Cover’ section type and two text sections on different stocks but both use the same section type of ‘Text’:

When quoted with the ‘Same Press’ option OFF, all three sections are on different presses:

When quoted with the ‘Same Press’ option ON, the two ‘Text’ sections are quoted on the same press/workstyle:


Please contact support if you would like this feature turned on
The ‘Price Sections On Same Press’ function can be turned on manually when quoting or automatically via the below options:

Bespoke Templates

Against individual custom quote templates is an option to set the default behaviour.
True – Defaults the setting ON
False – Defaults the setting OFF
Inherit - Pulls through the global setting

Simplified Sessions

Under the ‘Create Options’ section is a ‘Price sections on same press’ override option:

Single Product Creation

Under the ‘Product Definition’ section is a ‘Price sections on same press’ override option:

CSV - Import Products

Empty Product CSV – Added ‘PriceSectionsOnSamePress’ to column BM. 
If set to nothing it will inherit, otherwise it should be TRUE or FALSE:

Custom Quote and Simplified Quote csv uploads use the setting defined on the template for custom and session for simplified.
There is no field override in the upload csv files.

API Changes

  1. GetPriceForProduct – Baked into product so no changes.
  2. GetPrice – Pulls from the bespoke template ID for custom products so no extra fields necessary to pass.

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