Quote Artwork Upload With and Without RFQ

Quote Artwork Upload With and Without RFQ

Please contact us if you require thumbnails onto your quote letter.

Artwork Upload Files

 Print Ready compatible files:

List of compatible files:
  1. pdf, 
  2. zip, 
  3. gzip, 
  4. x-zip-compressed, 
  5. .psd, 
  6. .indd, 
  7. .ai, 
  8. postscript, 
  9. tiff, 
  10. bmp, 
  11. pipeg, 
  12. .jfif, 
  13. .png, 
  14. jpeg

Without RFQ (Simplified Sessions and Custom Quote)

  1. Product Thumbnails for Simplified Sessions and Store Item can be added to Quote Letter.
  2. Quote letter will display the thumbnail of static artwork that has been attached to a product created via a CSV product upload or Single Product Creation.

What is product thumbnail?

You can find it

  1. Admin 
  2. Factory Capabilities
  3. Product Categories 
  4. Image upload (As per below).

Sample of quote letters thumbnails.

Quote Product Upload With RFQ

This step only applies after a Request For Quote (RFQ) has been created.


Upload Image

 Remember to add more details if necessary

Click submit.

Click Create Product from RFQ

Pop up will show

You can create either a custom product or a simplified product with a quote template.

a. Simplified Product

b. Custom Product

RFQ Simplified Product.

Click Simplified product

All products in simplified sessions will show. Select the item that is most relevant to the request for quote.

In this example, we are quoting a business card.

Select the stock and size from dropdown selector in simplified product.

Click Get Price button.

Request for quote 

Clicking the Thumbnail image will enable you to upload new files.

Click check out.

Fill in shipping details and order details.

In the order details page, printIQ has the ability to update/upload image as well.

Hover over * red box section to upload / update image.

Clicking ‘complete order’ will show the payment page. You can punch in credit card details or pay later .

After the payment details page, you will be taken to the upload artwork page.

Please note the image uploaded previously will be available for use as artwork/supporting documents.

You can click and drag the picture available to the Print Ready PDF section (if it is a high-res pdf) or to the supporting document section if it is another file type.

Uploaded documents for each of the file options will be listed below the upload section once successfully uploaded.

List of compatible files:

  1. pdf, 
  2. zip, 
  3. gzip, 
  4. x-zip-compressed, 
  5. .psd, 
  6. .indd, 
  7. .ai, 
  8. postscript, 
  9. tiff, 
  10. bmp, 
  11. pipeg, 
  12. .jfif, 
  13. .png, 
  14. jpeg

**All of the unused images can be used later on.

RFQ Create Custom Product Quote.

Create Product from RFQ.

Choose Quote template

Create custom product

Product Notes will show up at the top.


Select stock, finish size and quantity. (As per normal custom quote workflow)

Click Get Price.

** Update quote button now has a checkbox to update artwork.
Unchecking the box will cause artwork uploaded from RFQ to be removed.

All details will show up including the quote reference we added in the RFQ page.

Click Proceed

Enter shipping details, order details and complete order.

Click check out.

Fill in the shipping and order details.

Complete order

The payment page will show. You can enter credit card details or pay later . If the order has been paid, click order paid .

After the payment details page, you will arrive at Submit artwork page.

Please note the image uploaded previously will be available for use as artwork/supporting documents. 

You can click and drag the picture available to Print Ready PDF and Supporting document like so.

Uploaded files will be listed below the upload button

List of compatible files:
  1. pdf, 
  2. zip, 
  3. gzip, 
  4. x-zip-compressed, 
  5. .psd, 
  6. .indd, 
  7. .ai, 
  8. postscript, 
  9. tiff, 
  10. bmp, 
  11. pipeg, 
  12. .jfif, 
  13. .png, 
  14. jpeg

**All of the unused images can be used later on.

Click the confirm button.

The quote will be accepted and converted to a job.


If the print Ready PDF upload button is missing it is due to the fact that the job has passed a certain stage of production.


To get the button to reappear the job status has to be changed to any stage before print ready.

This can only be done by users with the permission to adjust the job status from PrintReady. 

Job status needs to be changed to before ‘Print Ready’ and the artwork upload button is back.

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