Quote – 2up Folding and Stitching

Quote – 2up Folding and Stitching


Sometimes a book is required to be folded and stitched 2up.
For example, this could be due to the small size of the booklet.
We can configure a fold as being 2up.

Quote Example

16pp booklet. Quantity of 10,000. 

We apply a 1up fold of a ‘8pp long’ (1/2,1/2 fold) layout.
On the fold catalog configuration, we have ‘8’ finished pages with the pagination of ‘4’ along the width and ‘1’ on the depth.
The Number Nup is set to 1:

When applied to a quote, printIQ calculates a single print run of 10,000 sheets with the fold split into two 8pp sections:

As the sections are 1up, and 2 sections fit on the one sheet, the layout would be:

The same book required to be folded and stitched 2up would require a different fold catalog created.
On the fold catalog configuration, we still have ‘8’ finished pages but with the pagination of ‘4’ along the width and ‘2’ on the depth.
The Number Nup is set to 2:

When applied to a quote, printIQ calculates two print runs of 5,000 sheets each with the same fold imposed 2up on each section:

As the same sections are 2up on the sheet, and only 1 section fits on the one sheet, the layouts would be:
Run 1:

Run 2

The job in now quoted to fold and stitch 2up.

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