Quantity Lists

Quantity Lists


This is where you create custom quantity lists to link to your product tree which is for Simplified Quoting.

You can create as many lists as you need..


All this is managed from Admin > Factory Capabilities > Quantity Lists:


On opening this screen, at the top you will see a list of existing quantity lists.
At the bottom, you can select a quantity list to see what quantity's and kinds are attached to it:


To create a new quantity list, click 'Add Quantity Set'. Give it a name (you can use a name that relates to the product it will be attached to or you could use something more generic like 1 to 100).  You can also select to show or not show an 'other' option that lets the user manually enter a quantity.
Click 'Add Quantity Set':




You will see the new quantity list in the top section. Now click on the dropdown option to select the list:


Use the quantity and kinds fields to start building the list:


Enter the first qty line and click the '+' button to add:



The quantity details will show:



Continue adding until you have added all required options:




Then 'Save':



You can now go into a tree node and link the new quantity list:







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