Quantities as Packs when Quoting ( Pack Quantities) Pt.2

Quantities as Packs when Quoting ( Pack Quantities) Pt.2

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Margin Control

The target price per pack and per unit can be used at a cost and sell 
level via the adjustment dropdowns on a quote:

Inventory Transfer

Copy / Version Quote

Display’s quantity based on packs

Outsource – Quote Stage

In the outsource screens in a quote, the pack quantities display in the header

Outsource - Supplier Portal
For the supplier, the portal will clearly display the pack quantities

Outsource - Job Stage
Purchase Order creation

Supplier Portal

Material Calculation Type
When creating a raw material, there is a calculation type ‘Number of Packs’ that charges in pack quantities:

Operation Components
For job and section operation there are pack related options


There are 3 pack options in an RFQ

Converting RFQ to a quote product

The pack quantities will be transferred over

Description Template

To facilitate the quantity in a pack format, we have the following description placeholders
  1. {PackSize}
  2. {NumberPacks}
  3. {PackItemName}
  4. {PackType}
As an example, we combine these using the following formats


As a quote can have up to 4 different quantities, Please refrain using {NumberPacks} placeholder
Instead we will use:
{PackSize:*} {PackItemName: * per} {PackType: *}

In a quote description template, it will look like this

When used on a quote the pack information displays as ‘250 Labels per Roll’:


For the invoice we can add in the {NumberPacks} placeholder as the quantity has been confirmed.
Example format:
{PackSize:x*} {PackItemName:* per} {PackType:*}
{NumberPacks:x*} {PackType:*s }

In invoice Description template, it will look like this

When used on a job invoice, the pack information displays as ‘250 Labels per Roll’ & ‘x35 Rolls’:

For Invoice description, please make sure, checkbox option ‘Ignore Product’ is checked on:


Retail pricelists have two pack related rounding options:
1. Round to the nearest unit price
The precision will be set to 0.01 (2 decimal points) 
Example :
If the total price comes to $110.55, for 10 packs of 5, the calculation will be
110.55 / (10 * 5) = 2.211 => round to precision = $2.21, * (10 * 5) = $110.50 

2. Round to nearest pack price
The precision will be set to 0.01 (2 decimal points) 
If the total price comes to $110.55, for 10 packs of 5, the calculation will be:
110.55 / 10 = 11.055 => round to precision = $11.06, * 5 = $110.60


Order AM receipt email

Job Acceptance Email

Payment Receipt

Invoice type must be a "Single Line" option

Dispatch Email

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