Quantities as Packs when Quoting ( Pack Quantities)

Quantities as Packs when Quoting ( Pack Quantities)

When quoting, quantities can be entered using a ‘packs’ style input format.
*Kinds are not supported in a pack workflow

Custom Quote

Against any custom template, packs can be enabled inside the BESPOKE TEMPLATES screen.
The options are:
  1. Show Packs – Turns on the option to enter quantities via packs
  2. Packs Enabled – Toggles to feature ON by default
  3. Show Pack Item Name – Add an additional ‘free type’ field to enter an item type description

With no pack options enabled the quantity sections shows the standard quantity options including kinds and advanced kinds:

With the option ‘Show Packs’ selected, you will see an additional toggle switch to ‘Use Packs’:

Toggle this on to open the packs quantity fields:

Turning on the additional template option of ‘Show Pack Item Name’
adds a field where the user can manually enter an ‘Item Type’ name:

The pack type field is a dropdown that is pre-populated with common options. These can be added to at any time. 
*Contact support to add any additional items to this list:

Click the Bag will pop up multiple dropdown menu.

Custom quote usage example

In this quote example we are printing various quantities of flyers and packing them into cartons of 500:

The numbers can be entered using two fields and the third will auto calculate. Entry options are:
  1. Entering the ‘Pack Size’ and ‘Total Item Quantity’ will auto calculate the ‘Number of Packs’
  2. Entering the ‘Pack Size’ and ‘Number of Packs’ will auto calculate the ‘Total Item Quantity’

CSV Custom Upload includes the three fields Pack Size, Pack Type and Pack Item Name:

If you enter a quantity combination that does not correctly calculate, you will see an ‘Invalid pack’ warning:

Simplified Quotes

Simplified quotes will display the quantity list based on the pack configuration against the product:

The selection list will auto calculate valid options (filtering out invalid options) and include the ‘pack type’ name after the quantity:

CSV Simplified Upload includes the three fields Pack Size, Pack Type and Pack Item Name:


To ensure all quantity details are clear, the pack quantity information will display in multiple areas through printIQ.

Custom Quote

The quote screen shows the qty in multiple areas such as the description, pricing information and pricing details:

Simplified Quote

Displays under the title and through the quantity selection options:

Simplified screen headers

Shopping Cart

Order Details

Quote Letter

Multiple Deliveries

Pack quantity will display under description.
Quantity entered for delivery will work off total quantity:

A hover over the quantity field will show to flag the user to enter the total quantity (not the pack quantity):

Submit Artwork

Orders Screen

All Jobs, Pre-Production & Production Boards

Qty field always displays total quantity. Pack details can be viewed via a hover over:

Customer Summary

Job Details (all tabs)

Job Details – Dispatch tab

Additional pack quantity via hover over

Job Bag

Production Job Bag

Edit Job – Change Quantity

Dispatch Board

Via a hover over on the job quantity

Consignment Modal:

Dispatch Labels

Please reach out to customer support to enable this function.

Placeholders for pack quantities can be added to label markup templates:

Invoice Letter

Please reach out to customer support to enable this.
Requires setup against the markup template

Outsource Purchase Order 

Requires setup against the markup template

Customer Proofing Portal

Display part 2

Click link below.
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