Promotional Products

Promotional Products

Promotional Products are a type of sales items/IQstore items that are grouped together based on a product range to provide customers with the option to order a collection of related items together, instead of ordering them separately.

Additionally, Embellishment SKUs can be added to the sales items to provide customers with options to customize the ordered products, such as adding logos or custom designs to the items.

Promotional Products are made up of three main components:
  1. Promotional Product type Category
  2. IQ Store Items
  3. Embellishments (defined as Single Products)

Promotional Products require the IQStore module, and New Freight/Freight by Cart must be enabled.

Promotional Product Category

These products must use the Category Type ‘Promotional Product':

These categories are like IQStore categories, with 2 additional selector fields to provide additional Promotional Product pricing methods, Kit Pricing Types and Embellishment Options:

'Filter by Attributes’ – Make sure this is set to ‘Yes’. This is the trigger to display the filtering attributes on the screen when quoting.

Kit Pricing Types

‘Range based price from highest priced item’ looks at the total quantity and takes the pricing from the highest priced product for that total quantity.
‘Price based on items’ prices each item according to the pricing rules on those items.

Embellishment Option

The options for Single and Multiple embellishments controls whether the user can add more than one of the embellishments offered to the products being ordered.
At quote time, this presents to the user as selectable options, allowing for none, one or more options to be selected:

Single Embellishment - Only one option can be selected:

Multiple Embellishments - No options, one option or multiple options can be selected:

Embellishments are Single Product Creation Sessions, administered from the Simplified Sessions Board

The embellishments should be created with a stock that has no costs against it, as the IQStore Item would be picked (in the sales order) as the ‘stock’ for the first embellishment job.
Subsequent embellishment tasks would treat the IQStore Items as ‘Follow On’ stock.

Embellishments should be applicable and added to all items in the product range, otherwise only embellishments that are common to ALL products with quantities are presented to the user.

Embellishments should not have a Customer or Customer Group set as it will fail to price if it is applied to a product another customer has access to. Customer access restrictions should be applied at the store item level.

‘Embellishment’ has been ‘Terminologised’ under Pricing Terminology in Global Settings
~ Admin/Customise/Settings.aspx

The ‘Order’ of how the Products appear in the kit, and the available embellishments, is alphabetical on the description.

IQ Store Item

IQStore is where the majority of the setup is done relating to building a promotional product range.

Product Thumbnail Image Management

On IQStore Items, the image can be either a static image uploaded into file store against the product or alternatively an Image URL can be specified as the image source:

            Static Image                                          URL Image

When an image URL is used on a Store item, the image is not copied to File Store, but is loaded from its source each time it is required. This enables you to maintain and update your product images externally to printIQ.
This can also be used to utilise images that your supplier may have for the product, while also reflecting any updates to the images without the need to update the products in printIQ.

Under the store items’ main details is the ‘Attributes’ and ‘Promotional Kit’ sections:


Attributes are used for ‘filtering’ at the order stage. This is designed to provide a simple interface for users to order from a wide range of products.
You have a maximum of 5 attributes that you can apply to a single store item.
The attribute ‘Name’ is the master group, and the ‘Value’ is the option that will be shown within the group:

When configured, all attributes will display as selectable filter options to the left of the screen when ordering:

Note that once the number of options available within a single attribute exceeds 7, this will change the display to a dropdown list:

Click on ‘Select’ to expose the full list of options:

Attribute Filters – Display Order
You can control the order the ‘Attribute Values’ display on screen. In this example, the size order is incorrect:

We need to change the order to display:
X Large
XX Large

To update, from the ‘Sales Items Admin’ screen, select ‘Attributes Filters’:

Select ‘Export’ to export a csv file of all attributes in the system:

The csv exported will display in the exact order that the options will onscreen:

To change the screen order, change the csv to the display order required:

Save the csv and select ‘Import’:

Navigate to the file and select. Click on ‘Verify’:

You will see a list of all attributes and the order they will display in:

Click 'Confirm Import for x items' to confirm.

Now when quoting, the order will match what you have uploaded:

Ensure the upload file includes all attributes required in the system. If you remove any items from the upload, you will see a warning when verifying. If you continue, this attribute will be deleted from any item it is attached to.

New attributes can also be added via this csv. Users can bulk upload attributes prior to building their promo products.

Promotional Kit

This is where you link the store item to the product range and embellishment options:

Product Range – This will determine what ‘range’ the individual item will be placed under when ordering:

Each item linked to the same range can be seen when navigating into the product range when quoting:

Product Range Description – A custom description shown on the main screen against each product range:

Embellishment – The ‘Single Product’ created to produce any work to be applied to the store item. 
When adding embellishment options to the store item, a list of all ‘Single Product’ session will be contained in the selectable list:

You can type in text to filter down the list.

When ordering this will only show once a quantity has been entered for ordering:

Embellishments can utilise any operations ‘Reference’ and ‘Group’ features to expand the options you can offer a customer using a single operation. This will display as they do in a standard custom quote or simplified session. Once you select the embellishment, the options will display:

The user then selects the required options from the dropdowns:

Only embellishment options linked to all items with a quantity entered will be visible and selectable when ordering.

If the product is not in a Promotional Product Category, all above fields are ignored.

When setting up the Store Item as a promotional product, ensure the Pricing Method and Pricing details are set up as required on each item.

If you have different Pricing Methods on the item in the Product Range, while the promotional category kit Pricing Types is configured for Range based price from highest priced item, printIQ will check pricing on all items with quantities greater than zero on the order, for the total quantity ordered from within that Product Range and apply the highest price found, irrespective of the Pricing Method used on each individual item.

The Product Range field is a Free-Type, Single Select field. When you click into the field, it will present all Product Ranges currently defined in a drop-down selector:

As you type, they will filter the entries:

You can either select an existing Product Range or create a new one by simply completing your entry and press Enter:

Once you press Enter, the new Product Range is created:

Having consistent capitalization across your Product Ranges can help with brand recognition and make it easier for customers to find and identify your products. It's important to keep in mind that product ranges will only appear if they are associated with at least one store item.

The icon image of the ‘first’ product is used as the Product Range thumbnail.

Updating product ranges through CSV imports can be a helpful way to manage large amounts of product data efficiently. By downloading the relevant store items and making updates to the CSV, you can quickly update multiple products at once. Always be sure to double-check your changes before re-uploading to avoid any errors or data loss.


Use the items categories to link the item to the relevant ‘Promotional Product type Category’:

Ordering Promotional Products

When ordering from a Promotional Products catalogue, start by selecting a simplified/quick quote and navigate to the relevant product category:

Inside will be a list of all the ‘Product Ranges’ as set on the active store items:

Ranges will be listed in the category when it is opened:

There are multiple filtering options available to help the user narrow down their selection.

Attributes filters – All attribute filters will show down the left side of the screen:

This is a good starting point as it lets you filter down to specifics such as the colour of the item.
Without a filter selected, when you open a product range, all items linked will be displayed making the list very long in some cases:

Applying a filter first such as the required colour will filter the main screen down to ranges that contain only the required colour:

From there you can go into the product to see the items available:

The display can be viewed as List View or Gallery View:

Sort by price or name

At the top right is a filter to sort by price or name:

The available options are:

Once you have filtered to the required products, enter a quantity against the items to be added to the order:

Once a quantity is entered, any relevant embellishments will display. The user can select the required options. Selected embellishments will be applied to all products in the range with quantities:

Click on ‘Add to Cart’ and the items will be added to the quote cart. Click on the ‘Items’ heading to show all items applied to the cart:

Any required ‘Quote Questions’ pertaining to the embellishments must be answered before proceeding through the checkout:

On acceptance, if the embellishments require artwork, you will be taken to the Artwork Upload screen. 

After confirming the artwork, you land on the Orders Board:

The order is now ‘In Progress’.
Clicking ‘View Items’ will show the Store Items as well as the Embellishment production job to be actioned:

Price Adjustments

Pricing adjustments can be made in line with your individual site’s adjustment configuration limits and user roles.  
Adjustments can be made to the total order pricing:


This opens a modal where you can edit at an individual item/embellishment level:

Using the filters at the top you can filter the view to include/exclude ‘Items’ from ‘Products’ (embellishments):

For example, checking on only ‘Products’ will display only the embellishments:

Pricing and % can be edited in any of the below fields:

Changing one will auto change the other two relating fields:

Using the multi-select checkboxes will add overall adjustment fields at the top that will apply any changes to all the selected options:

For example adding a 10% discount to three selected items:

All markups can be rest to the original price by using the ‘Reset Markups’ option:


QUOTE - Once added to the cart, the items cannot be edited.
If either the quantities or embellishments are to be changed, it will need to be removed from the cart and added again with the correct information entered.

JOB/SALES ORDER – Edits can be instigated from either the production-based jobs or the sales order.
From the production (embellishment) job, under ‘Edit Job’ and under the 'Edit Kits' tab, you can can edit the quantities and change the selected finishing options:

You can also use the ‘Add additional items’ option:

This will add the attributes filters allowing you to add additional items (within the same promo product group) to the order:

Here you can filter down to the ‘Red’ shirts and add the XX Large that was not part of the original order:

Enter the required quantity and ‘Update’:

Back on the production job, the required quantity will be updated:

Before Edit:

After adding the additional 4 shirts:

The sales order will also update from:


To start the edit from the sales order, select ‘Edit Order’:

This will give you the same edit modal.

What you cannot do:
  1. Add new embellishments
  2. Remove embellishments
  3. Remove all items that would cause embellishments to be removed
You can use the ‘Items’ option to add items not related to the promo products to an existing order if required:

Enter a quantity and click ‘Add’:

This will add the stand-alone item to the existing order:

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