Once you have filtered to the required products, enter a quantity against the items to be added to the order:
Click on ‘Add to Cart’ and the items will be added to the quote cart. Click on the ‘Items’ heading to show all items applied to the cart:
Any required ‘Quote Questions’ pertaining to the embellishments must be answered before proceeding through the checkout:
On acceptance, if the embellishments require artwork, you will be taken to the Artwork Upload screen.
After confirming the artwork, you land on the Orders Board:
The order is now ‘In Progress’.
Clicking ‘View Items’ will show the Store Items as well as the Embellishment production job to be actioned:
Price Adjustments
Pricing adjustments can be made in line with your individual site’s adjustment configuration limits and user roles.
Adjustments can be made to the total order pricing:
This opens a modal where you can edit at an individual item/embellishment level:
Using the filters at the top you can filter the view to include/exclude ‘Items’ from ‘Products’ (embellishments):
For example, checking on only ‘Products’ will display only the embellishments:
Pricing and % can be edited in any of the below fields:
Changing one will auto change the other two relating fields:
Using the multi-select checkboxes will add overall adjustment fields at the top that will apply any changes to all the selected options:
For example adding a 10% discount to three selected items:
All markups can be rest to the original price by using the ‘Reset Markups’ option:
QUOTE - Once added to the cart, the items cannot be edited.
If either the quantities or embellishments are to be changed, it will need to be removed from the cart and added again with the correct information entered.
JOB/SALES ORDER – Edits can be instigated from either the production-based jobs or the sales order.
From the production (embellishment) job, under ‘Edit Job’ and under the 'Edit Kits' tab, you can can edit the quantities and change the selected finishing options:
You can also use the ‘Add additional items’ option:
This will add the attributes filters allowing you to add additional items (within the same promo product group) to the order:
Here you can filter down to the ‘Red’ shirts and add the XX Large that was not part of the original order:
Enter the required quantity and ‘Update’:
Back on the production job, the required quantity will be updated:
Before Edit:
After adding the additional 4 shirts:
The sales order will also update from: