PRICELISTS - Setup and Markups

PRICELISTS - Setup and Markups


There is 3 stages when creating pricelists in IQ:


1.       Create a ‘Wholesale Pricelist’: This is generally used to represent your cost price plus some additional margin to cover internal expenses

2.       Create a ‘Retail Pricelist’ – This covers your markup on top of your ‘cost’ price

3.       Link the pricelist to a customer or simplified session


1. Wholesale Pricelist – Create pricelist and add margin.

You first need to go to the Customers Tab and scroll down to Manage Price Lists:




Once here you will see the following screen.





Click on the ‘Wholesale’ radio button and ‘Create New’:


The Wholesale Price list will display the below screen.
Fill in details such as the name and a description of the pricelist.
*Always select the ‘Pricelist Level’ of ‘All Products’ and the ‘Active Method’ of ‘Primary’.


In here we have the options of adding a blanket overall mark-up. This can be set by changing the default Factor to whatever you desire (ie changing it to 1.2 instead of 1.0 will add an additional 20% mark-up to the wholesale price.) then click update Price List.


The second way to add Margin is by Component type.


By clicking Edit on the component type factor you will get the following options you can control the margin on.

You can select and control the individual mark-ups for these components only.




After selecting the component that you are after, you can add a factor then hit “Add Factor”.


You can do this to as many components as the list offers.

This mark-up will override the Default factor at the top of this screen for these components only.


2. Retail Pricelist – Create pricelist and add margin
Retail pricelists can be created and linked to the wholesale pricelist.


In this example we will create a retail pricelist based with a mark-up of 10% added to it.



Select a retail pricelist as a base to start from and click ‘Create New’:



The below box will appear. Name the list and enter a description. Make the ‘Percent Markup’ ‘1.1’.

This will make it a 10% addition to the standard price.


Ensure you have the correct wholesale pricelist selected.

You can also add ‘component’ markups as you could to the wholesale pricelist:



Once you ‘Create’ the product, it will appear in the list:



3a. Link Pricelist – Link the pricelist to customers

You can now link the pricelist to the customer:



Select the customer:



You will see a list of available pricelists. Select the required pricelist:



Click the yellow arrow and the pricelist will show in the left window:



The pricelist is now linked to that customer.


You can add pricelists to multiple customers at one time by using the ‘Add Cust/Price List’ function:



From here you can select a pricelist and select customers by clicking the checkbox next to the name or use ‘Select All’ and add to all customers:



You can create pricelist ‘Groups’. This enables you to apply a list of pricelists to a customer with a single click.

Under ‘Admin’, ‘Pricing Admin’:



Select ‘Pricelist Groups’:



Here you can create ‘Groups’ and add any current pricelists to that group:





Then from within the ‘Customer’ you can select the group and ‘Add’:




3b. Link Pricelist – Link the pricelist to a ‘simplified’ session

When creating ‘Simplified’ sessions, you can select which ‘Wholesale’ pricelist you want that session linked to:





Another way to add markup to a pricelist is by using ‘tiers’. This way you can vary the markup based on the quantity of product ordered.


To fill in the Tiered Price Mark ups you will need to go to Admin >> Pricing Admin




Then to Pricing Tier Markup




Follow the three steps outlined.
You can ‘Export’ a blank ‘csv’ file to work on by clicking the ‘Export to CSV’ button.



Below is an example of the .csv file that you will need to upload.




Key Points to know:

  • When you first upload this document you will need to leave the ID Field (A) empty. The system will create ID’s upon uploading the file.
  • The Price List Field will need to have the correct name of the pricelist you would like this Tier Factor to apply to.



Below is an example of the .csv file being exported from PrintIQ. As you can see there is numbers populating the ID Field. These are now to stay in here if you are updating and reloading the pricing via the .csv as long as you are not changing the Pricelist.  If you are changing the pricelist then you will need to make sure that there are not pricing tier’s already connected to the new pricelist.



If you are wishing to  apply a Retail Markup as well as the Wholesale Markup you will need to follow the above steps and make sure that you have the correct Pricelist attached  in the spreadsheet (eg: Sheeted Stickers). Once these are uploaded, your price lists will apply these new rules.



If there is a price list attached already, this will display on the screen and you can update these records by either exporting the CSV, adjusting the Pricing Factor on the CSV and saving it to re upload it.



Or you can edit them on screen by clicking on the text itself.



If there are no price list attached then follow step 2 and upload your .csv file from where you have it stored and follow step 3 and import it.  This will first verify that there is no errors and you will be able to update the Pricing Tier Markup.



‘Tiers’ can be assigned to customers. You can assign an ‘overall’ tier to the customer in the main section of the customer info:



And you can then also ‘override’ the level on a ‘pricelist level’ under the attached pricelist:







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