PRICELIST - Wholesale

PRICELIST - Wholesale


If you want to add additional Margin to your price lists there is a couple of way that this can be done.

You first need to go to the Customers Tab and scroll down to Manage Price Lists.


Once here you will see the following screen. 



Select wholesale and click on the a Wholesale Price list.


Fill in details such as the name and a description of the price list.

*Always select the ‘Price List Level’ of ‘All Products’ and the ‘Active Method’ of ‘Primary’.


The Wholesale Price list will display the below screen. In here we have the options of adding a blanket overall mark-up. This can be set by changing the default Factor to whatever you desire (ie changing it to 1.2 instead of 1.0 will add an additional 20% mark-up to the wholesale price.) then click update Price List.



The second way to add Margin is by Component type.



By clicking Edit on the component type factor you will get the following options you can control the margin on. You can select and control the individual mark-ups for these components only.



After selecting the component that you are after, you can add a factor then hit “Add Factor”.


You can do this to as many components as the list offers. This mark-up will override the Default factor at the top of this screen for these components only.


If the option you want to mark-up is not in the component list above then a custom components list can be developed upon request and quote confirmation.



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