Press Spoil Component Explanation

Press Spoils Component Descriptions

The following are definitions for the SPOILS record of a press. 

Finding the PRESS SPOILS

1. These are found by going to the ADMIN tab and Choosing CONFIGURATION:

2. Click on the PRESS section under Equipment:

3. Choose the press you are looking for and click on the Magnifier - then choose SPOILS

Spoil Setting Definitions Part 1 - the COMPONENT SELECTION

These are the options that are available to control the press components. We recommend setting a basic press "pass through" component first that will apply to the PRESS TYPE only. Once this is working you can start adding different criteria for specific scenarios.  Some of these options will conflict, so follow the "LESS IS MORE" rule of thumb.

Spoils components work like all IQ components - the BLUE side is the IF STATEMENT (if these criteria apply) the GREEN side is the THEN STATEMENT (apply these rules)

General Options    (the IF statements)

General Options:
Price List
Pricing List  options that could be used to control the spoils

Production Options
The actual PRESS being used will drive the function of the spoils calculations
Press Option
The actual PRESS OPTION being used will drive the function of the spoils calculation
Colour Process that is will drive the spoils option
Previous Side Process
The previous side Colour Process that is will drive the spoils option
Stock Size
Spoils calculation will be governed by STOCK SIZE
Spoils calculation will be governed by a specific STOCK
Stock Group
Spoils calculation will be governed by specific STOCK GROUP (ie. coated cover)
Min Job Print Area m_/ft_
Spoils calculation will be governed by anything OVER a specific square meter/foot quantity of the ENTIRE JOB
Max Job Print Area m_/ft_
Spoils calculation will be governed by anything UNDER a specific square meter/foot quantity of the ENTIRE JOB
Min Section Print Area m_/ft_
Spoils calculation will be governed by anything OVER a specific square meter/foot quantity of the SECTION
Max Section Print Area m_/ft_
Spoils calculation will be governed by anything UNDER a specific square meter/foot quantity of the SECTION
Min Stock Length Spoils calculation will be governed by anything OVER a specified NUMBER of METERS/FEET
Max Stock Length Spoils calculation will be governed by anything UNDER a specified NUMBER of METERS/FEET
Max Item Quantity
Spoils calculation will be governed by anything UNDER a specified QUANTITY
Min Item Quantity
Spoils calculation will be governed by anything OVER a specified QUANTITY
Min Sheets
Spoils calculation will be governed by anything OVER a specified NUMBER of SHEETS
Max Sheets
Spoils calculation will be governed by anything UNDER a specified NUMBER of SHEETS
Min Pages
Spoils calculation will be governed by anything UNDER a specified NUMBER of PAGES
Max Pages
Spoils calculation will be governed by anything OVER a specified NUMBER of PAGES
Item is Whole Section
Spoils calculation will be used for the WHOLE SECTION

Pricing (the THEN statements)


No. Spoils (m/ft)
Specifies the number of spoils in LINEAR METERS/FEET
No. Spoils (Sheets)
Specifies the number of spoils in PRESS SHEETS
Press Spoil %
Specifies the RUNNING PERCENT of spoils
Number of sheets spoiled per section.
Specifies the number of LINEAR METERS/FEET of spoils required PER SECTION
Per Section (m/ft)
Specifies the number of SHEET spoils required PER SECTION
Lead in (m/ft)
Adds a number of spoils for webbing a press or a the lead in for a Wide Format roll machine
No. Spoils (Impositions)
Specifies the number of SHEET spoils required PER IMPOSITION
Per Roll (m/ft)
Specifies the number of LINEAR METERS/FEET spoils per roll change (web press or wide format)
Per Roll (Impressions)
Specifies the number of IMPRESSION spoils per roll change (web press based on circumphrence of the cylinder)
No. Spoils 1st plate (Sheets)
Specifies the number of SHEET spoils that will be tied to the FIRST PLATE - would include all SPOILS required to MR the press at a basic level
No. spoils subsequent plate (Sheets)
Specifies the number of SHEET spoils that will be tied to the EACH ADDITIONAL PLATE (Bulk of MR spoils for press setup are included on 1st Plate)
No. Spoils 1st plate (m/ft)
Specifies the number of LINEAR METERS/FEET spoils that will be tied to the FIRST PLATE - for Web Presses (would include all SPOILS required to MR the press at a basic level)
No. spoils subsequent plate (m/ft)
Specifies the number of LINEAR METERS/FEET spoils that will be tied to the EACH ADDITIONAL PLATE - for Web Presses (Bulk of MR spoils for press setup are included on 1st Plate)


Description 1
Allows you to specify a Description that can be pulled onto the  QUOTE LETTER
Description 2
Allows you to specify a Second Description that can be pulled onto the QUOTE LETTER

Creating a Component Records

To create the component click on the NEW COMPONENT BUTTON:


Once component records are created they will show in the build as lines below the input area:

Exporting the SPOILS to a Table

A good practice is to create the first record, and then EXPORT the table and work on it in excel. To do this create a record and hit the EXPORT button at the top right of the screen:

This will produce a CSV file that you can edit and then re-import:

You can duplicate the existing line, and then make any changes - adding stock groups, press options etc. as necessary.
If you duplicate a line, make sure you delete the key in column A for the new record before you re-import.

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