Press Cost Component Definitions.

Press Cost Component Definitions.

The press cost component record drives the production times and the costs for the press record. There can be many component records that are engaged for different criteria. It is suggested that when building press component records you start out simply, without too many criteria being engaged, and test as you add criteria. 

IF-THEN Statements.

Press Component records are broken up into logical statements. The left-hand side  BLUE components are the  IF STATEMENTS.
The  IF STATEMENTS are the criteria that drive the logic on the pricing side.  For instance, using   IF STATEMENTS:   IF it is printed on a digital machine, and the process is CYMK it might engage a process click charge; however,  IF it is the process is BLACK it might engage the black click charge. 

The right-hand side  GREEN pricing options are the  THEN STATEMENTS.  Based on the  IF STATEMENTS in the left column, we engage the logic of the  THEN STATEMENTS in the right column.  So  IF a certain  PRESS is used,  THEN use a specific  makeready time,  machine rate and the  labour rate will be engaged.  The two sides of the IF-THEN statement work in tandem - driving the time and pricing calculation. 

The BLUE "IF" Statements - Criteria

General Options

Price List
Price List options that could control the component (drop-down to pick from available lists)
Not used with presses other than for catagorizing different options
Not used with presses other than for catagorizing different options
Pricing/Costing can be limited to a specific customer
Customer Group
Pricing/Costing can be limited to a customer group
Pricing based on spend, Quantity or Sq Ft/mm


Cost Plus
Cost Plus - pricing is a pricing method that attempts to ensure that costs are covered while providing a minimum acceptable rate of profit for the company. It is calculated by adding a fixed mark-up to average (or unit) costs of production. IQ allows you to create a second COST PLUS record that sits on top of the cost records and that controls the cost price. It can be based on References and/or Groups.

Production Options

A drop-down list with available presses which this component will apply to
Press Option
A drop-down list with available press options which this component will apply to
A drop-down list with available process options which this component record will apply to (ie. to control clicks etc).
Second Process
A drop-down list with available Second Process options which this component record will apply to.
Price as Duplex
A tick box - that you would use if you are using duple pricing. This is typically limited to Digital presses like an OCE presses with two heads, where the sheet does not return through the press. 
Previous Side Process
A drop-down list with available Previous Side Process options which this component record will apply to.
Presses can be controlled by specific stocks (ie. a thin paper, or synthetic) where you want to create rules if this stock is used (ie. More Makeready time). Usually, Stock Groups would be engaged rather than a specific individual stock.
Stock Group
Presses can be controlled by specific groups (ie. a thin paper, or synthetic stocks) where you want to create rules for certain types of stock groups (ie. Make ready times, additional helpers etc)
Stock Size
Press pricing and times can be calculated based on specific stock prices
Min Sheet Width in
Press Sheet WIDTH minimum allowed
Min Sheet Depth in
Press Sheet DEPTH minimum allowed
Max Sheet Width in
Press Sheet WIDTH maximum allowed
Max Sheet Depth in
Press Sheet DEPTH maximum allowed
Min Item Quantity
Minimum unit quantity to apply this component to
Max Item Quantity
Maximum unit quantity to apply this component to
Item is Whole Section
A check-box that will apply the functionality to the entire section.
Min Pages
Minimum Pages of the job  to apply this component to
Min Digital Frames
For presses using digital frames (ie. HP Indigo) you can limit the minimum number of frames for a component record
Max Digital Frames
For presses using digital frames (ie. HP Indigo) you can limit the maximum number of frames for a component record
Max Pages
Maximum Pages of the job  to apply this component to

Item Size

Min Item Width
Press components can be set by the minimum "Finished WIDTH" size of the item you are producing. 
Max Item Width
Press components can be set by the maximum "Finished WIDTH" size of the item you are producing. 
Min Item Depth
Press components can be set by the minimum "Finished DEPTH" size of the item you are producing. 
Max Item Depth
Press components can be set by the maximum "Finished DEPTH" size of the item you are producing. 

Number of Sheets

Min Sheets
The minimum number of sheets that will allow the component record function
Max Sheets
The maximum number of sheets that will allow the component record to function


Front Side Only
Components apply to the front side only.
Reverse Side Only
Components apply to the reverse side only.

Number of Sides

Min Sides
Minimum number of sides this component will apply to
Max Sides
Maximum number of sides this component will apply to

Min Section Print Area m/ft²
Minimum Square (ft/m) of the SECTION the component applies
Max Section Print Area m/ft²
Maximum Square (ft/m) of the SECTION the component applies
Min Job Print Area m/ft²
Minimum Square (ft/m) of the JOB the component applies
Max Job Print Area m/ft²
Maximum Square (ft/m) of the JOB the component applies

The GREEN "THEN" Statements - Pricing

These are the time and cost calculations that are engaged based on the criteria set in the IF statements. 

Specification Options

Machine MR Run (Hours)
The basic MACHINE makeready time for this press (for the 1st pass) in hours
Machine MR Pass (Hours)
The basic MACHINE makeready time for this press (for the 2nd pass) in hours
Labour MR Run (Hours)
The basic LABOUR makeready time for this press (for the 1st pass) in hours
Labour MR Pass (Hours)
The basic LABOUR makeready time for this press (for the 2nd pass) in hours
MR Interval (Hours)
The time interval necessary before a second makeready will be required
Labour MR Repeat (Hours)
The LABOUR time (in hours) required after MR Interval above has been surpassed
Machine MR Repeat (Hours)
The MACHINE time (in hours) required after MR Interval above has been surpassed
Repeat all labour make ready
Check-Box that will repeat all the LABOUR makeready time once the MR interval has been surpassed
Repeat all machine make ready
Check-Box that will repeat all the MACHINE makeready time once the MR interval has been surpassed
Labour MR Per Roll (Hours)
LABOUR makeready time (in hours) required between rolls changes on a press
Machine MR Per Roll (Hours)
MACHINE makeready time (in hours) required between rolls changes on a press
First plate machine MR (Hours)
The MACHINE time (in hours) required to makeready the first plate of a section (including setting up the machine - ie. side-lays and grips, webbing paper, stacking paper etc.) 
First plate labour MR (Hours)
The LABOUR time (in hours) required to makeready the first plate of a section (including setting up the machine - ie. side-lays and grips, webbing paper, stacking paper etc.) 
Subsequent plate machine MR (Hours)
The MACHINE time (in hours) required to makeready additional plates (all the other setup having been performed on the first place)
Subsequent plate labour MR (Hours)
The LABOUR time (in hours) required to makeready additional plates (all the other setup having been performed on the first place)
Includes Stock
[check-box] will not charge STOCK when pricing if this box is checked
Includes Ink
[check-box] will not charge INK when pricing if this box is checked
Includes Plates
[check-box] will not charge PLATES when pricing if this box is checked
Includes Guillo
[check-box] will not charge STOCK when pricing if this box is checked
No Plates
Overrides the number of plates required in this section
Plate Life (Impressions)
The impressions that will be possible before the plates need to be changed due to wear out
No Passes
You can override the number of passes that will be calculated based on the press to process mapping. For instance, if you need two passes due to various production needs you can increase, or decrease by setting this. 

Min/Max Costs

Min Cost
The minimum cost that will be charged in the component record. If the cost calculations do not meet this number, the Min Cost will be used. If cost calculations exceed this number the calculations will exceed it. 
Max Cost
The maximum cost that will be charged in the component record. If the cost calculations exceed this number, the Max Cost will be used. If cost calculations are less than this number the calculations will be used.

Charge Options

Base Charge
A basic cost that will be added to every job. All the other cost calculations will be added on top of this basic charge.
Machine Rate (p/h)
A place where you can manually enter the Machine Rate. This cell requires a ZERO if it is not used. This is the legacy way of entering the machine rate and is not recommended. 
Labour Rate (p/h)
A place where you can manually enter the Labour Rate. This cell can be left BLANK if it is not used. This is the legacy way of entering the machine rate and is not recommended. 
Machine Rate
Choose the MACHINE rate from the rates table here. This is the recommended way of setting the MACHINE rate. 
Labour Rate
Choose the LABOUR rate from the rates table here. This is the recommended way of setting the LABOUR rate. 
Ignore Machine Run Time
[check-box] The MACHINE RUN TIME will be ignored, and not calculated if this box is checked. 
Ignore Labour Run Time
[check-box] The MACHINE RUN TIME will be ignored, and not calculated if this box is checked. 
Sheet Click Rate
The CLICK RATE to be charged for each sheet (per side) going through the press. This will be charged per side, if there are colours on both sides, unless the Reverse Sheet Click Rate is engaged. Typically this applies to DIGITAL presses only, although it can be used for other purposes.
Reverse Sheet Click Rate
The CLICK RATE to be charged for the reverse side of the sheet (reverse only) going through the press. Typically this applies to DIGITAL presses only, although it can be used for other purposes.
m/ft per Click
If engaged, the CLICK's are charged based on the number of meters/feet entered here
Sheets per Click
If engaged, the CLICK's are charged based on the number of sheets entered here
Items per Click
If engaged, the CLICK's are charged based on the number of items entered here (ie. per 2 books)
Item Click Rate
The CLICK RATE that will be charged per ITEM above
Item Click Rate Interpolated Max
The Maximum Interpolated CLICK RATE for ITEMs (if using ITEMs above)
Sheet Click Rate Interpolated Max
The Maximum Interpolated CLICK RATE for SHEETs (if using SHEETs above)
Reverse Item Click Rate
The CLICK RATE that will be charged per ITEM based on the process being on the REVERSE SIDE
Reverse Item Click Rate Interpolated Max
The Maximum Interpolated ITEM CLICK RATE for the REVERSE SIDE (if using REVERSE SIDES, and ITEMS clicks above)
Reverse Sheet Click Rate Interpolated Max
The Maximum Interpolated SHEET CLICK RATE for the REVERSE SIDE (if using REVERSE SIDES, and SHEET clicks above)
Digital Frame Click Rate
The CLICK RATE that will be charged per DIGITAL FRAME
Digital Frame Click Rate Interpolated Max
The Maximum Interpolated DIGITAL FRAME CLICK RATE (if using DIGITAL FRAME clicks above)
Digital Frame Length (m/in)
The length of the DIGITAL FRAME being used to calculate the DIGITAL FRAME CLICK RATE (in meters/feet)
Item is Whole Section
[check-box] This costing applies to the entire section if this box is selected

Markup Options

Choose the COUNTRY from the drop-down list if you want this costs of the component record to be multiplied by that COUNTRY's exchange rate
The factor you want to apply to the costs of this record (to mark up or down). A 10% markup would be expressed as 1.1
Max Scaled Factor
The maximum factor that you want this record to be scaled up to

Area Cost

Price per m²/ft²
If you want the cost to be over-ridden at a meter/feet squared rate. Often used for wide format shops.


Description 1 The first description that will be used on the quote letter to describe this record. 
Description 2 The second description that will be used on the quote letter to describe this record. 

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