OUTSOURCE - Partial Outsource with Tendering

OUTSOURCE - Partial Outsource with Tendering

Tendering from quote

Any operation on a quote can be selected to ‘Outsource’. If pricing needs to be sourced from single or multiple suppliers, this process should be followed. 

In this example, we are going to quote a book with ‘Gloss Varnish' on the insert. This operation will be outsourced.

For the 'Gloss Varnish', we want to tender out the finishing to two suppliers and find out who can get us the best price.


  Create a quote like normal, and click the ‘Outsource’ button on the pricing details table:



This will bring up available outsource options for this section:


Click on the ‘GLOSS VARNISH Front’ option. This will pull through the operation name and default description. You can change this if required:

 Click on the supplier dropdown and choose the suppliers you wish to send the tender to:

Select both suppliers, check the email addresses are correct and click the ‘Send Email Requests’ button:



An 'email sent' confirmation message will appear on screen. Click ‘Save and Close’ to exit the modal.

Back on the quote workings, you will see a ‘?’ icon next to the job operation. This indicates that the operation is waiting on tendered pricing:

The ‘Outsource Request Board’ can be used to track the progress of your tendering. You will see the quote number, and its current status. When first sent it will show as ‘Email Sent’:


The supplier will receive an email with a link to the supplier portal.  Clicking the link will open the portal where the supplier can enter the pricing details, add notes & a reference number and attach files:

When suppliers have entered the pricing details, they can click Submit Quote in the portal:


This will update the status on the 'Outsource Request Board' to Request Submitted.


After suppliers have submitted their pricing, this will update in the outsource modal on the quote. To see the pricing that has been submitted click the ‘Outsource’ button:



You will now see the pricing options that your suppliers have entered:


Select the preferred option by clicking the checkbox next to the supplier and the checkbox below the quantity pricing. Then click ‘Save and Close’:


The operation in the list will now display as an ‘outsourced operation’ and the pricing will have updated to what was selected in the outsource modal when the selected quantity in the Outsource modal is selected for the pricing grid:  

Quote is converted into a job

Within the ‘Job Details’ screen, you will see under the ‘Outsource’ tab that the ‘Cover – Spot Gloss Overgloss’ has a tab added:




Click the radio-button to bring through the outsource details as set on the quote. The modal will update showing the quoted supplier and pricing. Add any additional instructions, the ‘Send To Supplier’ and ‘Required From Supplier’ dates and the delivery address. Check the email address and click ‘Save’:


An Outsource Purchase Order will be created and the Outsource tab on Job Details will display this.


You can now use the ‘Purchase Orders – Outsource Board’ to manage and track the order:



Outsource Portal - Linked Jobs

Suppliers can be informed about other related products on a quote which they may be required to provide a quote on. This can be done by adding a line of text into the supplier portal using a content string called ‘Outsource Request Number of Products on Quote’. It will show above the ‘Insert Price’ header in the portal and will only display if there is more than one product, or part of a product, to provide a price for on the same quote. 

Content Strings are found under Admin -> Customise -> Branding:

The content string contains the below wording by default. It can be amended as required:
There are {NumberOfOutsourceRequestsOnQuote} total parts to this order across {NumberOfProductsOnQuote} products which will be coming to you at the same time if you win this job. 

When active, it will display in the supplier portal as shown below:

When a Purchase Order is sent to a supplier from within a job a different Content String is sent along with it. The supplier will be sent an email with a PDF of the Outsource Purchase Order and a URL to view the purchase order in the supplier portal. The content string that can be added here is called ‘Outsource Request Number of Purchase Orders on a Job’:

The content string contains the below wording by default. It can be amended as required:
There are {NumberOfPurchaseOrdersOnAcceptedQuote} total parts of this order to be produced across {NumberOfOutsourcedJobsOnAcceptedQuote} job(s).

When active, it will display in the supplier portal as shown below:

Outsource Template

If you are producing the job with other suppliers but still need to do some of the work, such as design, artwork, file checking or proofing inhouse first, you can setup an 'Outsource' custom quote template with a selection of default operations attached (more can be added on a quote by quote basis):




You can the produce a quote with selected operations as inhouse with others marked as outwork:




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