Partial Invoice and Deposit workflow

Partial Invoice and Deposit workflow


A deposit enables charging for a portion of the job as a deposit before commencing production.  Only one deposit can be created per job or order. A deposit cannot be created if an invoice exists for the order:

When the order is subsequently invoiced, the deposit line is brought through onto the invoice as a negative (credit) line.

Partial Invoicing

Partial invoicing enables invoicing portions of a job or sales order instead of invoicing the entire job or order at once.
'Invoicing_FullyInvoicedRule' Setting: This setting is responsible for determining how an item is considered fully invoiced, which in turn enables the partial invoicing functionality:

There are two possible values for this setting:

‘Invoice Value >= item value’: - When the total of all invoices is greater than or equal to the quoted price, including freight. 
The invoiced percentage will show on jobs and sales orders when this option is selected.

'Item exists on invoice': - If an invoice exists for an item, that item is considered fully invoiced irrespective of the value of the invoice. This means that if you invoice a job or sales order and approve the invoice, the entire job or sales order will be marked as fully invoiced.
If you invoice a job using the "invoice by operation" method and approve the invoice, the job will be fully invoiced once there is an invoice line for every operation on that job.
The cost of the operations is not considered for determining if the job is fully invoiced.
If you invoice a sales order and approve the invoice, the sales order will be fully invoiced once all sales items and handling charges are present on an invoice.
The cost of these lines is not considered for determining if the sales order is fully invoiced.
The invoiced percentage will not be displayed on jobs or sales orders when this option is selected.


The following setting only comes into play when the above setting is set to Invoice value >= item value.
When this setting is disabled, users will be able to edit the invoiced value down, leaving the order ‘Partially Invoiced', but will not be able to edit the invoice value to more than the quoted value.

If over invoicing is disabled, you can select which user roles can bypass the over invoicing check with a warning allowing them to proceed with saving the invoice:

If an order is being over invoiced, but the system does not allow over invoicing and the user does not have a role that can bypass the over invoicing check, the following warning is presented, and the invoice cannot be approved:

If the user does have an over invoicing qualifying role, the following warning is presented, allowing the user to proceed with saving down the invoice:

Draft Invoices

When a draft invoice has been created, a deposit cannot be created unless the draft invoice(s) are voided.
When a draft invoice is created, it shows there is an invoice on the order, but it does not show as being partially invoiced and the invoice progress bar does not show:

 Draft  Invoice                                                                         Same Invoice, now approved

Once the invoice is approved, the Invoiced Status on the order shows as Partial, a warning icon is displayed indicating that further partial invoices are to be created and the invoice progress bar shows what percentage of the order has been invoiced.

Deposit Workflow

When taking a deposit, a GL Account can be defined in settings to accrue the deposits into:

A deposit must be the first invoice created against an order. Select Create Deposit from the Invoice drop-down:

Irrespective of the over invoicing setting, the deposit cannot exceed the value of the job or 100%. If these values are exceeded, printIQ set the values to the maximum with a warning message:

Save and closing the modal brings up the new deposit invoice:

After saving and approving the deposit, it shows the order as being ‘Partially’ invoiced and the progress bar shows 25% in this case. The alert is also shown depicting that further invoices are to be created:

When the rest of the job is invoiced, the deposit is brought onto the new invoice as a credit line:

After approving the invoice and going back to the job, it shows as fully invoiced and the progress bar and alert will have disappeared:

When invoicing, you can create as many ‘partial’ invoices as you wish. The deposit is brought onto the first invoice as a credit line. 
If the amount being invoiced is edited to being less than the deposit, the new ‘invoice’ becomes a credit note on saving:

This will display as a credit note on the invoice details:

To invoice the rest of the order, approve and return to the order:

It now shows as fully invoiced with a blue alert indicating that there is a credit note:

A quick calculation shows that the job has been fully invoiced:

Misc Charges
Misc charges added to jobs are not included in either the invoicing progress bar or the over-invoicing check.
When invoicing misc charges with the order, the misc lines can be edited to more than what the charge was when it was created.

Awaiting Invoice Board

Under the manage columns, users can select to view the board in ‘Wide-Screen’ mode as well as show or hide various columns on the board:

Supporting partial invoicing, the board includes Total Cost, Invoiced Amount and Balance Outstanding columns giving an instant picture of your outstanding invoices.

Deposits for multiple jobs and sales orders can be created by selecting the jobs and orders to create the deposits for and clicking the Create Deposit button on the toolbar that appears.
All jobs and orders selected must be for the same customer:

After selecting the orders to create a deposit for, click Create Deposit to open the deposit modal.
A percentage can be entered at the top of the modal to set it deposit rate for all orders included in the deposit:

Deposits for individual items can be set manually without affecting other selected products. Save and Close to create the deposit invoice:

After approving the deposit invoice, the Awaiting Invoice Board reflects the invoiced amount, balance outstanding and invoice status:

Invoicing the balance on the orders, even if done individually, will bring through the deposit line pertaining to the order now being invoiced:

If another order is added to the invoice, the related deposit lines are also brought onto the invoice:

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