
Overs and Unders

As IQ uses dynamic pricing, and there is the ability to version quotes, change quantities and add or remove operations, the price per unit can change substantially during the life of a quote and job. Printers that want to "hold the unit price" for the calculation of Unders and Overs struggle when making changes to the quote. The following is the suggested "best practice" to address this issue.
The practice of charging for OVERS or UNDERS is contractual with many printers. The agreement with the customer is to pay for a small % of OVERS produced during the print run, or accept a % UNDER the requested print job. This is then either charged for or credited to the customer at the point of invoice. 

Preliminary Information:

Setup Requirements:

  1. Create Quote/Job Reference field 
  2. Turn on the Overs delivery in freight

Workflow for Overs/Unders:

This is a summary of the workflow steps suggested in this article
  1. Have the estimator/CSR enter the price per unit before the quote becomes a job based on the option chosen
  2. Have the Shipper add a delivery for "overs" if overs have been created on a job, to keep the job moving without having to go back to the CSR/Accounting to make changes. 
  3. Once the job is delivered either one of the following as a business practice:
  1. Change the quantity (either up or down) and override the price using the price per unit entered into the Reference Field from #1 above.
  2. Add a miscellaneous charge (either negative or positive) as an OVER or an UNDER

Setting up the References

Setting up the Quote Reference

The first setup requirement will be to set up the quote reference field. 
  1. To do this go to the ADMIN menu Choose References (from under the Application menu) 
  2. Toggle to the QUOTE References from the pick list

  3. Edit one of the inactive references as follows:
    1. Make sure it is a TEXT reference
    2. Call it Unit Price
    3. Click REQUIRED (This will force the CSR/Account Manager to enter a price per M before turning the job into an Order)
    4. Click the Active button to ensure it is engaged.

Setting up the JOB REFERENCE

The Job Reference will tie to the Quote reference
  1. From the References drop down list choose the JOB reference

  2. Edit one of the inactive references as follows:
    1. Make sure it is a TEXT reference
    2. Call it Unit Price
    3. Click READ ONLY as it will be set at the point of turning the quote into a job
    4. Click the Active button to ensure it is engaged.
    5. Make sure you COPY FROM the Quote
    6. Choose the UNIT PRICE reference you created in the Quote References


This will allow you to "deliver" overs
  1. Navigate to the ADMIN -> FREIGHT -> and choose the ADMIN menu
  2. From the menu across freight admin - choose delivery options 
  3. Edit the OVERS option and make it active:

The Overs/Unders Workflow

Now you have the required elements setup, we will follow the workflow through, and you can chose which method you use after delivering the overs. 

Entering the Price Per Unit

  1. Once your customer has decided on the quantity they want for a job you choose this in the Order Details window before turning a quote into a job:

  2. You calculate the price per unit and enter this into the quote box (excluding taxes and shipping)

  3. This will stay with the job, and show up on the job screen itself, and will be used to calculate any underage or overage for the job based on the agreed to job price.

Delivering Overs 

Shippers do not want to have to wait for pricing adjustments or quantity changes to be made to deliver "overs" for a job. Enabling Overs delivery will allow the shipper to add extras to the job without going back to the Account Manager, CSR, or accounting to make changes.
  1. When it comes time to ship, and there is more product that was originally agreed to, the shipper is able to create a NEW SHIPMENT and deliver the overs, without having to have the order changed. To do this they click on the EDIT DISPATCH button:

  2. Once they are into the EDIT DISPATCH window they can click on the ADD MORE BUTTON:

  3. When clicking on the Quality to be allocated, they will have the choice to pick STANDARD or OVERS

  4. They then enter their amount which will be flagged as "overs"

  5. They complete the delivery information as they normally would and hit the Add delivery button, and it will show in the deliveries:

NOTE: you might want to edit the delivery cost of the second shipment as they are going together. 
6. Now you want to dispatch the items together using the DISPATCH BOARD. 
  1. Choose both the shipments by clicking the Green Box beside them. 
  2. Then choose Dispatch the Two Selected shipments

  3. When Shipping you can package the two shipments into one by clicking the :

  4. You can choose the number of boxes you are going to package them into, and then print out your consignments, labels etc. 


You have two choices to invoice the job at this point, updating the information:
  1. Use a Miscellaneous charge
  2. Change the Quantity

Option 1: Invoicing with A Miscellaneous Charge:

  1. To enter the Miscellaneous Charge - click on the Misc Charge Button:

  2. You can then add use the charge type OVERS (see KB article on setting up charge types (Miscellaneous Charges)
    1. Choose the charge type Overs
    2. Enter the DESCRIPTION using the price from the UNIT PRICE Reference on the job 
    3. Calculate, and enter the total amount in the AMOUNT field. 
    4. Then click the ADD BUTTON

  3. This will add the additional charge below which you can include with the invoice:

  4. From here you can go to the invoice, where it will then break out on the invoice as a separate line:

Option 2: Changing the Quantity:

  1. In this case simply take note of the price per unit from the Job Reference field, and EDIT the job:

  2. Once you are in the EDIT screen click Change Quantity (in our example we are changing from 5000 to 6000), and click SAVE

  3. Once you click SAVE you are brought to the APPLY CHARGE screen
    1. It is here you may want to edit the description
    2. You will want to put the Unit Price from the JOB REFERENCE into the Additional information for you records
    3. Using this Unit Price calculate the additional charge and enter it. 
    4. At the bottom of the screen you will save this and it will update your invoice

    5. The additional charge will now show up in the invoice as a line item:

      You have the ability to edit the description and taxes as you need to.


Underages will work the same way
  1. For the MISC CHARGE METHOD - enter a negative amount when creating the Misc. Charge. 
  2. For the QUANTITY CHANGE METHOD -   enter a negative amount when creating the additional charge after changing the quantity. 

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