Orders Board

Orders Board

The intended audience for this article is everyday internal IQ users.


Quotes are made up of Production Products and / or Pick and Pack items or a combination of both.

After accepting a quote, the production products create a job per product and those jobs proceed through the manufacturing workflow. Various production boards are used to track these jobs through the manufacturing life cycle. The All Jobs Board provides an overview of the current manufacturing processes.

Pick and pack (store) items are put onto a Sales Order from where they are picked and packed and if needed placed on backorder. Sales order progress is tracked through the Sales Order Board.

The Orders Board brings the jobs and store items together in a production environment based on the quotes they were accepted on. It can be accessed as the top entry under the Production Boards group under the Production menu option:

Or from the ‘Orders’ option on the drop-down menu under the board’s hamburger:

Orders Board Layout

The board has 4 areas of interest:

1. The filters section at the top of the board
2. The details section of the board where accepted orders can be viewed:

3. Expandable information tiles
4. Accepted order product details - Sub Board. This can be viewed by clicking the + icon, to access the jobs and sales orders within the accepted orders:

Orders Board Filters

printIQ remembers which filters were selected when the user last closed the board and will re-load with the same filters selected next time the board is loaded by the user.
There are three options for the default board sort order:
  1. FIFO – First In, First Out
  2. LIFO – Last In, First Out, or
  3. Due Date

This sort order is also stored for each user and will open with the same sort order it was closed with.

There are 5 filter tabs on the Orders Board.
The filters within each tab work in such a way that if any one entry within the accepted quote satisfies a filter, all products from the accepted order will be brought through to the Sub Board, irrespective of the individual statuses of the other products on the acceptance.

The ‘Status’ filters are based on the order acceptance status.
As the jobs and sales orders are fulfilled and dispatched, this Status updates to match the items within the acceptance.

'Item Status' filters are split into 2 separate groups for production jobs and sales orders respectively.
These are the job statuses (Production Statuses) at the top and sales order statuses at the bottom:

When the board loads, the Complete and Cancelled filters for both Production Jobs and Sales Orders in the Item Status filter tab are automatically de-selected. This is by design. All other selections made by the user are retained when the board is reloaded.

Use caution when selecting the Complete or Cancelled filters as this can result in a lot of information being brought back to the board and may impact on the performance as the board attempts to load that amount of data.

If any part of an order satisfies the filter, details for all products that originated from the accepted quote are returned on the Sub Board for that order.
With only the Proof Ready production status selected, this order was returned.
It includes 4 other jobs at various production statuses as well as a sales order with five sales items on it:

The filters on the Orders Board are applied with an ‘OR’ between the selected green filters on each tab and an AND between the filter tabs.
If a tab has no filters selected, nothing will be returned to the board:

There are also four flags relating to filtering the orders further. The selection of these flags is also retained when the board is closed and it re-opens with the same flags selected:

As an example, with the order status of Accepted selected and the Item Status set to ‘Confirmed’ (Sales Orders only), several order acceptances are returned:

Each acceptance will be made up of at least a ‘confirmed’ sales order but may also have production jobs in various statuses.
If at least one job or sales order matches the filters the whole acceptance is returned.

The orders board entries can be expanded to view job and sales item details within the selected accepted order.

Sub Board

The headings presented in the Sub Board when an accepted order is expanded are controlled by a Sub Orders ‘Board’. It is simply used to show or hide the columns that are visible when an order is expanded on the Orders Board. This ‘board’ doesn’t appear on any menu.
To configure the columns to show or hide, the Sub Orders Board can be accessed by searching for ‘sub’ and opening the entry found:

As with any other board, columns can be configured to show or hide:

This can be set as a system default by users with Admin access. Refer to our ‘Setting global and default user filters on boards’ KB Document.

Other search criteria on the Orders Board allow setting the Factory Location, specifying whether to return All Jobs or Jobs Due Today or Jobs Due Tomorrow and a ‘Due Date’ range:

Expandable Board Tiles

Each order has tabs or tiles that expand when clicked to give a quick overview of where jobs and orders are at from production, picked, dispatch and invoicing point of view. 
These tiles are:

Finished Production – Clicking finished Production tab displays a pie chart which shows where jobs are at from a Production point of view:

Picked - only displays if IQstore module is active and there are sales items on the order. A bar chart displays items that have been picked and items that are Awaiting Pick:

Dispatched Deliveries – The dispatched/shipped deliveries tab shows how many of the total deliveries have been dispatched. Clicking the tab displays a pie chart and a line graph. The pie chart shows the status of all deliveries on the order, and the line graph shows how may deliveries were dispatched on specific dates. Clicking on a dispatch status on the pie will navigate the user to the Dispatch/Shipping board filtered to that status and order:

Invoiced – The invoiced tab is only visible to users with invoicing permissions. When clicked a pie chart and a bar graph display which show how much of an order has been invoiced and the status of existing invoices:

Orders Board Toolbars

When an Accepted Order, Job or Sales Order has been selected in the Orders Board, a toolbar appears with the actions available to the user depending on the entries selected.

When only Jobs are selected the toolbar will reflect Job Actions only:

When Sales Orders are selected, the toolbar will present actions available to Sales Orders:

When an order containing both Jobs and Sales Orders are selected, the resultant Toolbar presents only the actions that can be performed on both Jobs and Sales Orders:

If changing status with both jobs and sales orders selected, the modal has 2 drop-down selectors for the Jobs and Sales Orders, both defaulting to ‘Keep current status’.
This allows status updates for all selected sales orders without impacting any jobs that may be on the selected acceptances:

When only Jobs or Sales Orders are selected, the Change Status modal will present the relevant single status selector only:

Printing from the Orders Board

Job Bags and Store Pick Lists can be generated for multiple orders from the Orders Board.

When one or more orders with one or more jobs and sales order items are selected for printing, the following modal is presented allowing the selection of Job Bag and Pick List document to use.
A ‘Default’ Job Bag and Pick List document is simply the first in their respective lists (alphabetically) are preselected when the modal opens:

Both the job bag and the pick list can be updated to advise when there are other related production jobs or sales order items relating to the order as a whole.
The number of Print Jobs will increment for each job.

This is an example added to a Production Job Bag header:

The below snippet of code in the header is what was used to generate the above. This can be copied and pasted into the Header section of the Markup Template:

  <div class="clear"></div>
    <div  class="marginright" style="display: inline-block; float: left;">
        <span style="color: red; font-size: 32px;margin-left: 0px"><strong>({{JobPositionOnAcceptance}} of {{JobCountOnAcceptance}} Print Jobs){{#SalesOrderExistsOnAcceptance}} + {{SalesOrderItemCountOnAcceptance}} Pick & Pack Items Required{{/SalesOrderExistsOnAcceptance}}<br /></strong></span><br />
         <span style="background: clear; color: red; font-size: 32px;margin-left: 0px"><strong>{{#SalesOrderExistsOnAcceptance}}After printing send to Pick and Pack Department.{{/SalesOrderExistsOnAcceptance}}</strong></span><br />
    <div class="clear"></div> 

This shows where in the Header section the above was located:

The Pick List can also be modified to reflect details regarding the related order items:

By adding the following code snippet to the top of the Body section:

    <div  class="marginright" style="display: inline-block; float: left;">
        <span style="color: red; font-size: 32px;margin-left: 0px"><strong>({{SalesOrderItemsOnSalesOrder}} Pick & Pack Items){{#JobExistsOnAcceptance}} + {{JobCountOnAcceptance}} Print Items Required{{/JobExistsOnAcceptance}}<br /></strong></span><br />
         <span style="background: clear; color: red; font-size: 32px;margin-left: 0px"><strong>{{#JobExistsOnAcceptance}}After picking make sure printing has completed.{{/JobExistsOnAcceptance}}</strong></span><br />

Depending on the contents of the accepted order, the drop-down menu will change slightly in its offerings. These are actions that can be performed at the accepted order level:

Store Items Only:

Jobs Only:

Both Store Items and Jobs:

In the Sub Menu Board, the actions available for the individual items within an order will depend on whether the item is an active job, draft job or sales order item.
Draft Jobs have the additional options of activating or removing the draft job, but they are restricted for artwork, time entry, job priority, inventory, invoicing, copying, proofing and capacity planning actions.
Once a draft job is activated, it becomes a standard production job.

Store Items:

Draft job options:

Active job options:

Priority Jobs on the Orders Board

On the ‘Production’ settings page under the Admin -> Customise menu, there is a setting that determines the visibility of Priority Jobs on the production boards.
The setting determines how the priority jobs are displayed:

Available options are Highlight Only, Top and Highlight or None.

When a job is marked as a Priority Job, the acceptance appears as a red Priority entry.
Both the individual job as well as its parent acceptance are highlighted in red with a Priority Job flag on them too:

Priority status can only be applied to jobs. One or more jobs on an acceptance can be flagged as Priority.
With at least one job flagged as priority, the acceptance will also be marked priority too. Sales orders cannot be flagged as priority.

When a job is added to a gang job, like on the All Jobs Board, the job entry itself on the expanded sub board will show in blue:

When the gang job has been completed, the blue highlight is removed from the acceptance and the order proceeds as usual.

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