Operation Component Definitions for Job Operations

Operation Component Definitions for Job-Finishing

Differences Between SIDE, SECTION and JOB Operations

IQ has an extremely powerful engine that drives each operation. The component records for SIDE, SECTION and JOB operations all have different functionality, and you need to decide what you want to do to choose the correct TYPE of operation. 

SIDE operations  apply to functions you would do to ONE SIDE of the sheet, but not necessarily the other. Side Operations could include activities such as laminating, offline coating, foil stamping, etc. 

Calculations  for Side Operations look at the individual section, sheets, and sizes (i.e. in a multi-panel). Different processes can control Side Operations.   Different presses can control Side Operations.

SECTION operations   apply to functions you would perform with the entire section. Section Operations would include activities such as folding, hemming, sewing, etc.  

Calculations  for Section Operations look at the individual section, press sheets, sections sizes (i.e. in a multi-panel). Different processes can control Section Operations. Different presses can control Section Operations.

JOB operations   apply to functions you would apply to the entire job, including all sections. Job Operations would include activities such as saddle stitching, perfect binding, coil binding, etc. 

Calculations  for Job Operations look at the final finished size of the job, thickness (height) of the entire job and typically look at the job quantity instead of sheets. Do not use a job operation if you will have multiple parts making up a job (inside the same quote), and you want to calculate these based on the sheets or specific sizes of the sections. Processes cannot trigger Job Operations, as they may have multiple processes across different sections.  P resses cannot control Job Operations as there could be different presses assigned to each section of a job.

IF-THEN Statements.

Operation are broken up into logical statements. The left-hand side  BLUE  general and production options are the  IF STATEMENTS .
The  IF STATEMENTS  are the criteria that drive the logic on the pricing side.  For instance, using a Section  IF STATEMENTS  related to the PRESS could drive which machine the folding takes place on.  IF  it is printed on a digital machine, it might go to a tabletop sheet folder or be folded inline. However,  IF   it is printed on a sheetfed press it might be pushed to a more conventional MBO folder. The logic could also be based on sheet size, the number of pages, etc.  It is on the  IF  side that we also engage the  material  that will be used (if required) and the  finishing machine  that will be engaged. 

The right-hand side  GREEN  pricing options are the  THEN STATEMENTS .  Based on the  IF STATEMENTS  in the left column, we engage the logic of the  THEN STATEMENTS  in the right column.  So  IF  a certain  MACHINE  is used,  THEN  use a specific  makeready time ,   machine  rate  and the  labour rate .  The two sides of the IF-THEN statement work in tandem - driving the time and pricing calculation. 

The Blue IF Statements (Production Options)

General Options                              
Price List
Price List options that could control the component
Allows you to setup references on the component that drive functionality - i.e. Floor Laminate - chooses a machine, material etc. These are your own list of criteria. 
Allows you to set up groups on the component that drive functionality in additional to references - i.e. Floor Laminate - Textured - picks a different material. This is an additional level of criteria you set up yourself. 
Component can be limited to a specific customer
Customer Group
Component can be limited to a specific customer group
Pricing based on spend, Quantity or Sq Ft/mm
Link component to a ‘Supplier’ record
Product Code
Link component to an printIQ ‘Product Code’
External Code
Used to map to external systems
External Type
Used to map to external systems
Auto Generated
Indicates that the component line was auto generated via a csv upload

Cost Plus   
Cost Plus -  pricing is a pricing method that attempts to ensure that costs are covered while providing a minimum acceptable rate of profit for the entrepreneur. It is calculated by adding a fixed mark-up to average (or unit) costs of production. IQ  allows you to create a second COST PLUS record that sits on top of the cost records and that controls the cost price. It can be based on References and/or Groups.

Production Options               

Min Sheet Width in/mm
Press Sheet WIDTH minimum allowed
Min Sheet Depth in/mm
Press Sheet DEPTH minimum allowed
Max Sheet Width in/mm
Press Sheet WIDTH maximum allowed
Max Sheet Depth in/mm
Press Sheet DEPTH maximum allowed
Min Unit Height in/min
Minimum thickness of the entire job (all sections)
Max Unit Height in/min
Maximum thickness of the entire job  (all sections)
Min Unit Weight oz/grams
Min total weight of an item
Max Unit Weight oz/grams
Max total weight of an item
Min Job Weight lb/kg
Min total weight of the entire job
Max Job Weight lb/kg
Max total weight of the entire job
Min Fold Lays
Minimum number of fold lays (sections) to apply this component to
Max Fold Lays
Maximum number of fold lays (sections) to apply this component to
Min Unit Quantity
Minimum unit quantity to apply this component to
Max Unit Quantity
Maximum unit quantity to apply this component to
Min Pages
Minimum Pages of the job  to apply this component to
Max Pages
Maximum Pages of the job  to apply this component to
Include Unprinted Pages
Pages that are blank in the book
Min Kinds
Min Kinds/Versions to apply this component to
Max Kinds
Max Kinds/Versions to apply this component to

This is the name of the operation you are working on

The machine that will be engaged for this component of the operation
Material Set*
The material that will be consumed for this component of the operation (possibly based on the Reference/Group)
If this component record is driving to a guillotine instead of a machine, which guillotine.
*These items are not necessarily "IF" statements but controls. 

Pack Options
Min Finish Width in/mm
The minimum WIDTH of the Finished Size
Min Finish Depth in/mm
The minimum DEPTH of the Finished Size
Max Finish Width in/mm
The maximum WIDTH of the Finished Size
Max Finish Depth in/mm
The maximum DEPTH of the Finished Size

The Green THEN statements (Pricing Options)

Specification Options                  
Machine MR Hours
The Makeready hours for the machine for this operation
Labour MR Hours
The Makeready hours for the labour on the operation
Hours per Job
The quantity of hours to apply to the entire JOB
Hours per Kind
The quantity of hours to apply to each KIND (Version)
Hours per Page
The quantity of hours to apply for each PAGE
Parameter Component Value
Answers the question in the Parameter from the component (ie using References or Groups)

Parameter component value on components currently only works for parameters on bespoke, where the component is pre-selected using the reference and group controls.  
This isn't intended to be used on simplified or to apply after a quote is priced.
Fixed Orientation
Prevents IQ from flipping the image for efficiency

Weight total oz / g      

Weight Total applied the set weight once to the product.

Weight per unit oz / g        

Weight Per Unit applies that weight per quoted unit

Charge Options                                

Base Charge
This is the basic cost you want to apply to the operation every time - everything else adds on top based on the calculation. If the base charge is greater than the minimum cost, the minimum cost is never invoked.
Machine Cost p/h
Where you can manually set the Machine cost - NOT RECOMMENDED as you have to update the cost on every component record with a change to rates. Should be set to "0".
Machine Rate
Links to the rates table for the machine  (Recommended way of attaching rates)
Labour Cost p/h
Where you can manually set the Labour cost - NOT RECOMMENDED as you have to update the cost on every component record with a change to rates
Labour Rate
Links to the rates table (Recommended way of attaching rates)
Ignore Machine Run Time
Check this box if you want the machine to ignore the machine run time that is calculated
Ignore Labour Run Time
Check this box if you want the labour to ignore the machine run time that is calculated
Min Cost
This is the minimum cost this operation will incur, after it reaches it, the calculation applies (different from base charge)
Click per
The quantity to charge the click rate against
Click Per FoldLay Side
Item clicks are charged per ‘fold lay side’ instead of per item
Include Unprinted Pages
Min/Max pages and click rates ‘per page’ or ‘foldlay’ include unprinted pages/sides
Item Click Rate
The click rate to charge per item (ie. using  job quantity)
Item Click Rate Interpolated Max
The maximum job click rate to charge
Item is Whole Section
Check this box if the rate applies to the entire section
Click Per Kind
Check this box if you want to apply the click charge per Kind/Version
Click Per Page
Check this box if you want to apply the click charge per Page
Cost per ft² / m²
Charges a per square rate based on the job
Cost per ft³ / m³
Charges a per cubic rate based on the job
Cost per lb/kg
Charge per lb/kg of the job
Cost per ft/m (Width)
Charges a rate based on the width of the item
Cost per ft/m (Depth)
Charges a rate based on the depth of the item
Cost per ft/m (Perimeter)
Charges a rate based on the perimeter of the item
Cost per ft/m (Component Defined)
Charges a rate based on what is defined in the component 
Fail to Price
If this component is matched, it will cause the operation to fail to price

For an article on interpolation see  Interpolation of Click Charges on Component Records

Markup Options                 
If the calculation is based on a different currency
What is the amount you want to mark up the item (i.e. 10% = 1.10)
Max Scaled Factor
What is the maximum interpolated factor for the markup between the base rate and the max rate. 

Area Speed
Finish Area ft² p/h (m² p/h)
Calculate speed on the finished square area

Length Speed                              

ft p/h (m p/h) (Width)
Calculate the speed based on the FINISHED WIDTH
ft p/h (m p/h) (Depth)
Calculate the speed based on the FINISHED DEPTH
ft p/h (m p/h) (Height)
Calculate the speed based on the finished HEIGHT
ft p/h (m p/h) (Perimeter)
Calculate the speed based on the PERIMETER
ft p/h (m p/h) (Component Based)
Calculate the speed based on the COMPONENT
Component Length Width Multiple
Multiply the component length speed by this amount
Component Length Depth Multiple
Multiply the component length speed by this amount
Tile Joins p/h
Time calculation based on the sum of the total length of tile joins
Assembled Perimeter p/h
Time calculation based on the outer perimeter length excluding any tile joins

Volume Speed                      
ft ³  / m ³   p/h
Calculate the speed based on cubic volume per hour

Units Per Hour                       
Units p/h
Calculate the speed based on the number of Units

Materials Units Per Hour
Material Units Per Hour Based on the sum of all materials used by this operation

Material Options                        
Mat Width Mult
Multiply the materials used based on WIDTH by this amount
Mat Depth Mult
Multiply the materials used based on DEPTH by this amount
Mat Height Mult
Multiply the materials used based on DEPTH by this amount
Mat Perimeter Mult
Multiply the materials used based on PERIMETER by this amount
Mat Area Mult
Multiply the materials used based on AREA by this amount
Mat Volume Mult
Multiply the materials used based on VOLUME by this amount
Mat Weight Mult
Multiply the materials used based on WEIGHT  by this amount

Description 1
Customer Description 1 (ties in with Reference/Groups) - can be pulled into the customer area of the operation
Description 2
Customer Description (ties in with Reference/Groups)  - can be pulled into the customer area of the operation

Pack Options  
Cost per Pack  When quoting using packs, sets the click rate per pack
Packs per Hour  When quoting using packs, sets the speed of packs per hour
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