New Order

New Order



To create a new sales order:

Under ‘Sales’, ‘New Order’ you can create a new sales picking order.



Enter a ‘customer’:




You will then see a list of all your item groups:




A list of all products under that group will show. You can see how many items are ‘in stock’ and what items are ‘out of stock’




You can the ‘add’ items to the order. They will show at the top of the screen:



Once the order is done, click ‘Proceed to Checkout’.


Here you can enter a PO reference and any notes. You can also remove items from the order or update quantities. The price will the automatically recalculate. Once the PO details are entered, click ‘Confirm Items’ to continue:




Next you are taken to the ‘Delivery’ tab. Here you can change the delivery address to any other address linked to that customer. The default address will show. Once done, click ‘Make Payment’:



If the customer is on an account, you will go directly to the ‘Order Summary’ screen. If they are a credit card payment, a payment gateway screen will show. Here you will see the order details and the order reference number:




The order will now appear on the ‘Sales Order Board’:



Here you will see a list of orders and their status. Click ‘Show Filters’ to see all status options:



You can filter on what orders are shown based on their status. We have ‘In Progress, Confirmed, Paid, Picked, Packed, Complete, On Hold and Cancelled’:



The progress bar on the right will show the orders current status (Place your cursor over the status bar and the status description will show):



From the ‘arrow’ next to each order, you will open a drop-down list.




From here you can ‘View Invoice’:



If you want to make a ‘Credit Card’ payment (if not already paid), you can select ‘Make Payment’. This will take you to the payment gateway:


And you can manually change the job status:



You can click the ‘eyeglass’ to open the sales order details:



Here you can print a ‘Packing List’:



Staff can print this list and pick the stock:


Staff would then ‘Pick’ the items in IQ so they are taken out of the stock quantity. The item highlighted in ‘green’ is the item that will be ‘picked’. You can click on the other items below to make them active. Click the ‘Pick’ button to pick the item:



The pick quantity will now show as ‘0’ and the ‘in stock’ quantity will reduce accordingly:




Click on the item below to bring up its details. Pick the remaining item:



Now that all items have been fully picked, a box will show asking you to confirm if you would like to update the orders status to ‘Picked or Packed’. Leaving it as ‘Picked’ means it is still on the sales order board and needs to be packed before it is ready for dispatch. If you select to update to ‘Packed’, it will now show on the dispatch board ready for the dispatch department to do their part:Both items will now show as ‘Picking Complete’:



The order will now show as ‘Picking Complete’ and the dispatch details show at the bottom:


You can now print a ‘Packing Slip’ to go with the goods:


Once an order is on the ‘Packed’ status, it will now appear on the ‘Dispatch’ board:



When the click the ‘eyeglass’ to open the job, they will see the job details with a dispatch section at the bottom that is the same as they would see in a standard production job:


They would follow their standard process and once the update the status to ‘Dispatched’:



A window will pop-up asking:



Once you click ‘OK’, the job will be update on the ‘Sales Order Board’:




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