New Markup Templates Management Screen

New Markup Templates Management Screen

Improvements include:

  • Ace Editor, instead of a plain textbox for all text inputs related to the template. This allows functionality such as indenting, underlining errors, automatic tag closing and other nice-to-haves that make development of the template easier.
    • To note, because this is a proper code editor, rather than a text box, inputs such as tab will be entered directly into the editor.
    • You can use CRTL + F to search the entire page and code window, or if used inside the new editor, search just in the editor itself with options to replace text etc.

  • Ability to add a template, currently this is done by developers manually with a script, now there is a modal on the page to do it, with the option to copy from other templates, useful when you want to make invoices for different sites but keep the same styling.

  • Mapping to  PDFFormatType is related to the dropdown on invoices, this dropdown allows you to pick the template to use when printing off the invoice, have a look at the grey dropdown on this invoice for a better explanation

  • This is done in the new “Map to Customer” tab, with the template name being the markuptemplate you want to use, and the display name being the name used in the dropdown. 

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