MULTIPLE FOLDS - Book Sections

MULTIPLE FOLDS - Book Sections



When quoting Text sections for books, there is a Multiple Folds tick box.

After selecting the stock and front and back processes, you enter the number of pages.

Taking into account your factory capabilities, finished size and press size you then select the required fold(s) from the Fold drop-down list.


The Multiple Folds tick box must be ticked to enable you to select more than one fold.




In the above example we have a 20 page section defined.

Multiple Folds is ticked and the Fold field shows 2 selected.


Clicking the drop-down the 2 folds selected are the 4page and the 12page folds.



After calculating a price you will see that the Text section defined above has calculated 3 signatures.

A 12 page and two 4 page signatures.



Changing the 12 page fold to an 8 page fold and recalculating still results in 3 sections but this time we have two 8 page and one 4 page signature.



You will also notice that the Fold operation on the first 8 page signature is a lot more expensive that the same operation in the second signature.

This is because the system recognises these are the same operation and only applied the make ready time to the first signature.


Finally selecting a 16 page and a 4 page fold results in 2 signatures.




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