Multi select for job assignment

Multi select for job assignment

From the ‘Pre-Production’ board, you can now multi select jobs and assign them to users in bulk.

You can select manually against the required job or use the checkbox at the top to ‘select all’ jobs on the screen:

When a checkbox is selected, additional options show in the grey header bar. You will see the option ‘Assign Users’:

Here you can select one or multiple users to assign the jobs to. I assign all 4 jobs to ‘Kelly Grey’:


The board now updates to show ‘KG’ as being assigned the job:

You can easily reassign selected jobs by milti-selecting and checking on a new user. Here we change the assignment from Kelly Grey to Chris Mort:

The screen updates to show the new assignment:

You can use the checkbox ‘Keep users assigned to previous responsibilities’ to assign additional users to the selected jobs.
Here we select 2 jobs assigned to CM and want to also add KG to them:

We select ‘Kelly Grey’ and also check ON ‘Keep users assigned to previous responsibilities’:

Now both KG and CM are assigned to the jobs:

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