To enable this module, please contact your account manager.
printIQ mobile application is required to use this module
User with user roles = "Dispatch User".
Often on a delivery a Sign-Off/Proof of Delivery (P.O.D) is required to confirm all goods have been received.
How it works
CUSTOMER ADDRESS – Against the delivery addresses under a customer record, use the ‘Internal Notes’ to flag the address as ‘Requires SignOff’:
When selecting a delivery address on the quote, the ‘Internal Notes’ will be flagged.
This notifies the user that a ‘SignOff’ delivery method must be selected:
Inside the job details screen, the dispatch tab is flagged to notify a SignOff is present:
Inside the dispatch tab, against the address will be a signoff section:
Store Items have the same signoff section:
The ‘Dispatch Board’ will have a signoff icon for deliveries that require Signoff. An orange icon indicates the signoff is yet to be completed.
A checkbox allows the user to filter the screen to only display delivers that require signoff:
From the delivery a ‘SignOff’ docket can be printed:
The docket will show all individual items as part of the delivery. Signoff can be done at an overall level or against each item.
The barcode at the top is used to scan via the printIQ mobile app:
How to use the App
On delivery, the driver has the customer sign the docket.
Open the printIQ app and sign in:
User clicks the ‘Delivery SignOff’ button:
This opens the camera:
*NOTE: Initially, you will be asked to ‘Allow’ printIQ Scanner to access your photos. This only needs to be confirmed once*
Scan over the docket barcode:
The screen will display all jobs on the delivery. Click ‘Take photo’ to take a picture of the docket or you can select to upload an existing photo:
Selecting ‘Take photo’ opens the camera. Take a picture of the signed delivery docket. Click on the ‘tick’:
Back on the main screen, you will see the photo attached:
The drivers’ job is now done in the printIQ app.
Back in printIQ, the job will auto-update with the SignOff details.
The SignOff is user, date and time stamped:
Store Items are updated with the same details:
Dispatch Board icon will update from Orange to Green to indicate confirmation of signoff:
Click on the ‘Paperclip’ icon against a SignOff delivery:
This will open a modal where you can access the confirmation photos taken by the driver. Click on the photo icon to download a copy:
Open downloaded file to view in detail:
Customer View
When a customer has login access, the customer ‘Order Details’ screen includes reference and access to the signoff documents:
They can click the icon to access and download a copy of the signoff document:
printIQ Account manager/support team will have to enable this module from the settings page.
USER - As sign off requires user access to printIQ and the mobile app, this is generally used by the company’s in-house delivery drivers.
The driver must have a user account created for printIQ access.
The role of ‘Dispatch User’ must be checked on for them to access the SignOff module in the mobile app:
FREIGHT – SignOff requirement is linked to freight setup.
First a ‘Delivery Method’ must be created:
*this allows the signoff delivery options to be separated out from non-signoff options in the quotes freight selections:
Next is setting up a ‘Delivery Type’.
The signoff setting controls the behaviour of that delivery type:
Not Enabled – select ‘Hide’
Enabled – select ‘Show’ - Shows the signoff section with ‘Not Required’ (optional) in the signoff.
Enabled and Enforced – select ‘ShowRequire’ - Shows the signoff section as Required
The last step is to make sure you have your rates set against the delivery type:
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