Module Campaign

Module Campaign

The printIQ ‘Campaign’ module allows the user to group multiple quotes and store items together to make a single campaign with multiple delivery splits.
Before you can use this campaign module, please contact your printIQ account manager.

Create New Campaign

From the campaign screen you can select an existing campaign or click the ‘+’ button to create a new campaign:

Name the campaign and link it to a customer:

Click the ‘+’ button to build the campaign:

Items can be added manually by selecting existing quotes and then adding delivery addresses and quantities:

Quotes with the status "In Progress" will show up in the dropdown above. If the quote status = Completed, it will not show up.

Or by using the printIQ campaign csv, multiple quotes and deliveries can be bulk uploaded.
Download the template:

Fill in the csv file. The fields contain the customer code, contact, delivery details and required date for each delivery followed by the item details such as the quote number and the required quantity of each item per delivery:

Select the csv and upload:

The upload will display for confirmation in two parts:
Items – All quote items will be shown:

As will as a list of all deliveries:

On Import, the campaign is separate into two parts, delivery address and job quantity/specs:

Quote letters and approval request emails are easily sent to customers:

Set the campaign status to ‘Awaiting Quote Approval’:

Via email the customer receives a link to view the quoted campaign:

Without the need to login to printIQ they can view campaign details such as the quote reference, deliveries, and associated quantities:

On approval, set the status to ‘Quote Approved:

Converting the quotes to live jobs is as easy as a click! Select ‘Accept Quotes’:

Quotes are converted to jobs. Artwork can now be uploaded:

Against any of the jobs, click the ‘hamburger’ and select ‘Artwork”:

The artwork upload screen will include all jobs on the campaign so you can upload all files from the one screen:

Once uploaded, you return to the campaign screen and any generic art icons now display the uploaded artwork:

For any jobs with multiple kinds, the artwork icon will display the number of items. Click the number to view the additional artworks:

Next step is to link the kinds art to the required deliveries. ‘Orange’ quantity boxes indicate unassigned quantities:

As you fulfil the full quantity, the field updates to ‘Green’

*Any quantity over allocated will display in ‘Red’ to indicate an error:

Any deliveries addresses, methods and due dates can also be altered by clicking on them

With the artwork uploaded you set the status to ‘Awaiting Artwork Approval’:

Like the quote approval email, send a second approval email

Choose the ‘Artwork Approval’ email option:

The customer will receive another approval email with a link to confirm the artwork and quantity allocations are correct.
Once the email back final approval, set the status to ‘Artwork Approved’


Once a campaign is approved, all jobs show on the standard production boards as normal.
Going to any production boards directly from the campaign: 

Will filter the screen to show only jobs linked to that campaign

Inside any job linked to a campaign you will see a blue bar with a reference to the campaign number. 
Clicking the number will take you back to the campaign screen:

All production is handled against the individual job/order and any status changes are passed through to the campaign screen for quick reference.

Distribution Scanning

Managing large campaigns can mean you have multiple items in multiple locations.
Once all production is complete, we can use ‘Distribution Scanning’ to flag a location against each item

Distribution Scanning - Production Jobs

Inside each job, print a job bag

On the job bag, each artwork has a unique barcode

On the ‘Distribution Scanning’ screen, scan the artwork barcode. This will bring up the items scanned on the screen. You are then asked to scan a destination barcode to place the item:

Scanning an ‘Inventory Location’ barcode adds the location to the screen and asks for confirmation on the transfer quantity

Saving confirms the location against the item.
NOTE: The user can bulk scan multiple items and then confirm via a list view to make the process quicker

Back in the job details, a ‘Location’ section will be added showing the user where the item is located

Once the items are ready for packing, update the status to ‘Distribution Ready.
This can be done manually’

Or using a scanner by scanning the job bags ‘Distribution Ready’ barcode

From the ‘All Jobs’ board you can filter to show only job on the status of ‘Distribution Ready’

Distribution Scanning - Store Items / Sales Order

For store items, staff may pick multiple items and place them on a trolley. In this situation they are ‘In Transit’ until they can be taken to the final distribution area for packing.
Inside the order, print a ‘Picking List’:

Each item on the list has a barcode along with the location the items is stored

Using a mobile device such as a tablet, from the ‘Inventory Scanning’ screen, select ‘Sales Order Pick’

The user would scan the item’s location barcode

Next, we want to scan the new location. As it will be in ‘internal transit’, we can create an inventory location called ‘Int Transit’ and produce a barcode that can be adhered to the trolley

On the inventory scanning screen, we scan the ‘Int Transit’ location barcode

Last step is to scan the items barcode

The item will now show asking for confirmation of transfer quantity.

Back in the order, users can now see where the item currently resides. The order status also updates to ‘Internal transit’

When the items on the trolley are ready to be dropped at their picking location so packing can begin, we can update the location again.
From the ‘Distribution Scanning’ screen:

Scan the location barcode. We recommend creating multiple inventory location for distribution and generating barcodes for each (eg. Dist01, Dist02, Dist03, etc):

Scan the items barcode:

Followed by the location barcode. Then enter the quantity to be transferred into the selected location:

‘Save’ to confirm transfer

The orders’ location is again updated, and the status updated to ‘Distribution Ready’

The status is also updated on the campaign


Once all items have been scanned into an inventory location the job is ready to pack for each delivery.
Click on the ‘box’ icon next to the delivery you are working on:

This will open the delivery showing the quantities required of each item

You can click the ‘+’ button to incrementally add items to the delivery

You can click into the quantity field to type the number packed

Or click the ‘Pack All’ option to allocate all qty in one click

When all items for the delivery are picked they show in green and the ‘Book Courier’ button becomes active

Delivery dockets can be produced to go with the goods

The dockets show a visual if the items in the pack as well as the user logged in who packed the items including the date and time

To generate the consignment, click ‘Book Courier’:

Here ‘Print Labels & Create Consignment’

A pdf of the box labels is generated for printing:

A consignment number is generated and updated against the delivery:

The delivery will move to the ‘Completed’ list. These filters are toggleable so you can view only outstanding deliveries, only complete deliveries, or all deliveries


Once all deliveries are complete, an invoice can be generated

The invoice contains all items on the campaign

Once the invoice is saved, it is flagged against the campaign

Change the campaign status to ‘Complete’ to close it off

Internal Notes

  1. For customer to use this module, you need to activate this module in the Settings page.
  2. You need to run an SQL script to turn campaigns on for a site. (Please check the comment section)
  3. Please remember to map the campaign mark-up template.
  4. printIQ needs to be configured to calculate "freight by cart" in order to use campaign module.
    If printIQ was configured as "freight per product", and you had 10 products being sent to 100 stores,
    you'd have a thousand separate deliveries, and the delivery fee will be too expensive.  

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