Materials spreadsheet csv upload

Materials spreadsheet csv upload

Materials are uploaded into the system to be used for either quoting purposes for pricing, or as inventory items so that you are able to create purchase orders to purchase the material from the supplier.


In configure factory, click on ‘Material Bulk Upload’.



In the ‘Material Bulk Upload’ screen click on ‘download CSV Material Upload Template’.

This screen also gives you tips about the information about the information you will be entering into the csv.


 Once you have downloaded the spreadsheet fill out and complete spreadsheet with the materials that you wish to upload into the system.


All fields in the spreadsheet that have a ‘*’ in the name are compulsory fields. You need to put information in these fields or the spreadsheet will not upload.

Screen shot below has all the compulsory fields highlighted in yellow.



Type – Is a compulsory field. For each of the materials you will need to choose one of the 3 valid ‘material types’ which you get from the ‘Bulk Material Upload’ screen.


Location – Is a compulsory field. Add the name of the location for each material.




PrintIQCode – Is a compulsory field. This is an individual code that you create to create the material.



Description – Is a compulsory field. This is a description of the material.



Operation Category – Is not a compulsory field. This is if you wish to link the material to an operation category.


Calculation Type – Is a compulsory field. For each of the materials you will need to choose one of the valid ‘calculation types’ which you get from the ‘Bulk Material Upload’ screen.




Order Unit – Is a compulsory field. This is the unit number that you order the material in.


Order Unit Price – Is a compulsory field. This is the price of the order unit for the material.


Charge Unit – Is a compulsory field. This is the unit number that you charge the material in.


Charge Unit Price – Is a compulsory field. This is the price of the charge unit for the material.



Supplier – Is a compulsory field. This is the code of the supplier that you order from. This has to be an active supplier that has been uploaded into the system.





Owned by – Is a compulsory field. For each of the materials you will need to choose one of the valid ‘Owned by’ types which you get from the ‘Bulk Material Upload’ screen.




Owner – Is not a compulsory field. This is if you wish to specify the owner of the material. e.g. Materials could be owned by the supplier or the customer as well as a factory site.


Unit Weight (kg) – Is not a compulsory field. This is if you wish to specify the weight of the material.


Qty on Hand – Is not a compulsory field. This is if you wish to specify the current quantity on hand you have for the material.


Reorder Qty – Is not a compulsory field. This is if you wish to specify a reorder quantity so that you are aware that you are ready to reorder the material.


Inventory Managed – Is a compulsory field. This is a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ field to specify if you want to manage the material.




Supplier Item Code – Is not a compulsory field. This is if you wish to specify the supplier's code for the material.


Active – Is a compulsory field. This is a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ field to specify if you want the material active.



Once you have completed the spreadsheet, save the spreadsheet file as CSV.


In the ‘Bulk Material Upload’ screen, choose the file that you saved.


Click verify, once verified click update materials.



Article ID: 1198, Created: February 3, 2017 at 6:35 PM, Modified: February 23 at 3:31 PM



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