Material Weights Included in Freight Calculations

Material Weights Included in Freight Calculations

Material Weights are now included in the Job weight for freight calculations.

Some jobs produced require additional materials to assemble the product, such as Signage and POS displays.

When a unit weight has been defined on the materials, this weight is used in the freight calculations when included in a quote.

On the material definition you can specify the weight of the material.

The weight is determined by the Weight per unit and the Calc Type.

In this case the Calc Type is per unit (Quote Quantity) and the weight is 750gms.

For each unit, a material weight of 750gms is added.

On a quote, without the material being added has calculated a weight of 12.47kgs…

Now with the material added to the quote, an additional 750kgs of weight has been calculated…

Your shipping / freight costs will reflect the new weight.

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