Manage your own Custom Quote Templates

Manage your own Custom Quote Templates

Access to the Custom Quote Template definitions is available from the Factory Capabilities -> Custom Templates menu item.
The board lists the active custom templates in the order they are presented to the user when creating a custom product quote. 
Quote templates can be copied, edited, activated, deactivated and re-ordered from this board:

Click 'Show Inactive' to see templates that are not currently active. They will appear with a candy-striped background:

When editing or after copying, the template opens with all sections expanded. Each section on the template can be collapsed by clicking anywhere on the title bar.

When making changes to a custom quote template, it is advisable to make a copy of the template to be modified.
The copy of the template appears at the bottom of the list of active templates. This should be edited and tested before deactivating the original template and moving the copy into its position on the list.

The template structure consists of three parts.

The first part contains the template settings within the system, which Category it resides in, which pricelists to use, pack details and preproduction operations.

The second part contains the products’ sections where each sections default values can be configured. Individual fields can be prepopulated and / or exposed or hidden, operations can be baked in and number of pages and fold requirements can be set.

The third part is the Product Options where required operations can be added to the template, multiple quantities can be enabled along with kinds. Advanced Kinds can be configured and exclusion rules for the products production can also be set here.

Template Settings

This section contains the name and description of the pricelist along with the product category it is linked to.

Setting options:

Show Remote Quote – Exposes the remote quote field to link to a suppliers printIQ Quote:

Allow New Sections – enables the user to add new sections to the quote product:

Clone New Sections – requires Allow New Sections to be enabled and allows users to clone or duplicate existing sections.

Use RFQ Description – requires the Description field on the section to be enabled. When a product is created from an RFQ using this template, the details from the RFQ are copied to the Sections’ Description field on the quote:

Calc Other Methods – The Production Options cannot be preset on the custom quote template, only whether the Production Options are visible or not. If the production options are enabled and the user selects a production option, this flag controls whether to limit the pricing engine to the selected production path, or still price on all valid production paths.

Price Sections on Same Press – when enabled, will return the same press for all sections based on the lowest overall cost price. When not enabled each section will return the lowest cost price, irrespective of the other sections’ presses.

Use Packs – when enabled, exposes a further two options:

With neither enabled, the user must use packs and define a pack size when quoting. The Total Item Quantity must be a product of the pack size set.

When the option Show Packs is enabled, the user can choose to use packs:

Or, revert to simple quantities and versions:

When disabled the user must use the packs options.
When Show Pack Item Name is enabled, the user can enter a short name for the items in the pack at quote time:

Pre-production Operations

The Pre-production Operations setting enables prepress operation groups and embedded operations to be defined to show just below the title and above the section details on the quote canvas as opposed to being displayed along with the Job Operations. This allowing the user to move through the quote in a more workflow-ordered manner:

Once Pre-production Operations setting is enabled, click Add operation Group:

Select at least one Operation Category:

And edit the Operation Group name to reflect the operation types being added:

This results in an operation selector below the Title called ‘Prepress’:

Only operation belonging to the selected Operation categories are returned:

If 2 or more categories are selected on the template:

The categories are listed in the selector with the operations below them:

On the template, you can ‘bake in’ prepress operations to these selectors by selecting them in turn and clicking ‘Apply’. Only operations with the setting ‘In pre-production’ enabled on the operation definition will appear in the prepress selectors on the quote:

If this is not set, the operation will appear on the quote, but under the Operations selector further down the screen. 

The pre-production operations will appear on the quote in the order they are added on the template. Delete and re-apply them to rearrange the order they appear on the quote product:

Finally, the prepress operations can be split into multiple operation group selectors on the template if desired:

 With each category split out into its own selector on the quote and the baked in operations populating them:

Operations can be added to the template once.

Adding one of the prepress operations selected above, to the Job Operations on the template, will result in the template failing to save:

Operation Categories

When an operation is a member of more than one category (for example Impo):

When these categories are added to the template with this operation baked into the pre-production operations at the top of the template…

And the Product Options includes another category that is on the above operation…

Results in the Impo operation in this case appearing under the ‘Required’ category when quoting:

To rectify, simply remove the ‘Required’ category from the operation definition…

And the operation will appear in the Prepress operations group:

Section Settings

Some fields throughout the template have an Eye icon next to them 
This determines whether the field is visible to the user at quote time or not. A blue colour icon indicates it is visible:

And when grey, it is hidden from the user:

When hiding a field that is required on a section (for example Stock, Processes, Pages, Fold Catalogue etc) a default value must be set for that field. 
The template will not save until this is resolved:

Sections can be created with or without a Title. If the title is left blank, the section Type value is substituted on the quote canvas. The section title is reflected in the blue tool band above the section on the template.
Clicking anywhere on the blue band will collapse the details below it and turn the band grey. Click again to expand the section details.
The sections can be copied, re-ordered or deleted using the icons on the right:

Ensure the section Type is correct for the template being updated.
Show Description adds a section description text box onto the template – commonly used for Outsource type templates where the stock, processes, pages and fold fields are pre-set and hidden, leaving just the description for the user to fill out.
Add Section By Default includes this section whenever the template is selected to create a quote from.
Sections can be defined and not added to the quote, but the user can opt to add those sections at quote time.
Can Duplicate Section determines if this section can be duplicated. It requires the Allow New Sections setting under the template options to be enabled.

Under the Options divider are the fields that will determine how the template functions and is presented to the user.

Stock - A pre-selected stock can be set, and effectively locked from the user by hiding the field.
Only Price Printed Stock - will force the pricing engine to only price the printed area on stocks that are defined to use Inventory Pricing, even if the stock itself is not set to price in that manner.
Allow Same Stock as First Section and Allow Same Colour as First Section - are only visible on the 2nd and subsequent sections in the template. On the process selectors, the option is added to the top of the process list when quoting:

The single Allow Same Colour as First Section setting applies to both the Front and Back processes.

Colours Front and Colours Back - Front and reverse process filters.

Production Method cannot be set in the template, however the eye icon does allow it to be set to show or hide on the section:

The label that appears against each field on the quote can be edited if required:

Fold - All sections must have a fold defined. For flat products, this would be set to a Flat Fold catalogue entry and the Fold selector hidden from the user:

Multiple Folds – Exposes the Multiple Folds flag on the section. When enabled it changes the Fold Catalogue selector into a multi-selector allowing the user to select more than one fold. Used for booklet signatures where a section may have calculated 16pp, 8pp and 4pp folds depending on number of page and sheet sizes.

Is Leaf – is used for Pad type products. Calculates per leaf, not per page (side)

Pages – set to 2 and hidden for flat sheet templates. For text sections in books and for pads it is left clear and visible for the user to fill out at quote time.

Finished Size – allows the user to enter a finished size for the section that is different from the product finished size.

Show height for Custom Size – will show Width, Depth and Height when Custom Size is selected. Used for 3D products such as boxes and packaging.

Section Operation – The operation selector. Add operations onto the template to have them load each time the template is used.

Exclusion Options

Below the Production Method field on the templates’ section details, are the Exclusion Options that can be applied to each section individually:

Exclude Setup Spoils, Exclude Stock, Exclude Ink and Exclude MR Time will remove those entries from the pricing grid:

Exclude from sub(sequent) sections – When enabled, this checkbox means "Stop this section from being counted as a 'subsequent' section, and instead class this as a normal, full make-ready section, even if the stock etc matches a previous section.
Works in conjunction with the Job level exclusion rules
Subsequent Sections are sections other than the 1st section on the product. There are exclusion rules that can be set at the Job level relating to them. 

Materials Only Sections

In order for quote products to calculate a price, all sections including ‘Materials’ require a validly calculating Stock with Front and Reverse processes to be defined.
For Materials type sections, the Stock, Processes Front and Process Reverse fields should be set to the systems equivalent of ‘No Stock’, ‘No Printing’, ‘Blank’ etc.
The Fold set to a Flat Product (F2-1), Pages set to 2, and all other fields left unchecked or at ‘Select’.
All fields should be hidden except for the Select Operation selector to allow the user to select the materials:

Materials can be pre-selected to be included on the quote:

Product Options

The Product Options section provides the ability to set various values that affect the product:

When set as above, no operations are preselected, extras are not visible and only one quantity is offered:

A ‘standard’ template might be setup something like this:

Show more Quantities – when enabled will expose 4 quantity fields per product being quoted. When disabled only one quantity per product can be priced.

Allow advanced quantities – enables the user to select this option if required, while Start with advanced kinds will open the quote product with advanced kinds displayed.

The ‘Extras’ selector will be visible and available if needed, the operations Admin Fee and Plan are added automatically in the ‘Required’ group and the Production Options are not displayed.
Extras cannot be ‘baked in’ to the custom template.

Exclusion Options

Product level option exclusions are applied to the product:

If any of the options Match on Stock, Fold, Size or Process is selected, then additional sections that match will apply any exclusion rules set below:

If Make Ready times and setup spoils are to be excluded on subsequent sections based on using the same stock, process, size or fold.

Make Ready times and Setup Spoils have the options Never, Subsequent Sections and Always.

Never – Will not exclude the option and retains current settings.
Subsequent Sections – Only applied to ‘subsequent Sections’ and retains makeready’s / spoils against the first section only.
Always – Excludes the options from ALL sections, including the first.

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