Links to v41 Knowledge Base Articles

Links to v41 Knowledge Base Articles


Address field Terminology

The address field labels can be renamed from inside the ‘Admin > Configuration > Terminology’ screen.
The aim is to allow address fields to be clearly named to remove ambiguity so that the addresses entered will be uniform to specific company requirements and to validate with any Integrated Freight solutions. The values entered are reflected throughout the application wherever there is an address shown.

Assigning user responsibilities

Users can be assigned responsibilities via both customer records and on individual boards. The All Jobs, Pre-Production and Production Boards can then be used as a ‘work to’ list by the user.
You can set specific responsibilities on new jobs to be Auto Assigned to a user on Job Creation for a particular customer record.
The ability to assign user responsibilities is a setting that can be implemented via specific user roles,
i.e. someone with the role of ‘scheduler’ could be given the ability to assign responsibilities to other users. On the All Jobs, Pre-Production and Production boards, any user can assign themselves to jobs by clicking the icon to the left of the row.

Extended Options to Manage Kits

Options have been added to kits to enable grouping to separate items within a kit. You can also use the ‘arrow’ buttons to reorder the items within the kit.

Notes Templates

Pre-defined Note Templates can be configured for the different note types in printIQ. Predefined notes exist for things like fast delivery or packing instructions. Pre-defined templates can be edited, and more templates can be added.


The creation time and date of tasks added to quotes and jobs is now logged in the history records.


Consolidate Book Sections

It is now possible to reduce the section count for high page books when quoting. printIQ calculates as many sections as required to produce the number of pages specified.
There is a new system setting that allows you to create ‘consolidated’ Sections, grouped on the fold catalogues, greatly speeding up the quote calculation process.
When the setting is enabled, any products with multiple signatures using the same fold catalogue will be shown as one section with however many runs as required to produce the page count set.

Locked Quotes

Some quotes are too complex to be created as a simplified products. When quoting complex products that will be ordered multiple times, you can create one quote for the product. This quote can then be locked, preventing it from being changed, printed, emailed, or accepted. This basically makes the quote a ‘template’.
The locked quote can be either versioned or copied and then edited as required to provide a new quote to your customer.

Spine Width Calculator

The ability to calculate Spine Width has been added into the Fold Catalogue entries. The Spine Width details can be added to the Quote Description Template to show when the Spine Width Calculator is used.

Add Additional Vendors to Outsource Request

printIQ can be configured to auto-generate the outsource purchase order on job creation in the following situations:
  1. Full outsource job with a single operation or a single product creation
  2. Full outsource job But also contains preproduction operations


Setting turnaround time against a product

There is now the ability to set the turnaround time (TAT) days against a ‘Product Category’. This is applied in the ‘Manage Product Categories’ in Factory Capabilities. When quoting on the ‘Product Category’ TAT rules are set for different specifications such as quantity, kinds, or dimensions. If the product falls under the specified rules, then those TAT days are applied.
Category TAT’s will override the globally applied “printIQ_Default_Turnaround_Days” setting.

Setting global and default user filters on boards

On the All Jobs Board, Production Board and Job Sections Board, filters can be created and made available to all users.
Users with the Admin role have the option to share saved filters with all staff and set it as the staff default filter.
A default filter will be applied every time the board is opened.


Invoicing Mode

Invoicing can be configured to prompt the user to choose the way the invoice is to be structured.
With this configured you get a confirmation modal before creating an invoice which asks how you would like to invoice. You can set different invoice modes for different items that you are invoicing.
Contact support for further details and implementation.


Delivery Address Notes

Two notes fields are now attached to delivery addresses. Internal Notes and External Notes. These notes display on job details and dispatch boards and can also be added to delivery dockets.

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