Job Operations

Job Operations

The following procedure outlines how to setup a new job operation in IQ. All this is managed from ‘Job Operations’ under ‘Equipment’. See below screen shots on how to get to this:

From the Admin > Configure Factory > Job Operations option you will be taken to the ‘Current Finishing’ list screen.


Select the ‘+ Add An operation’ button.  


A window will show where you can enter the details of the new Job Operation:


Name: This is the name that will show on the quote screen selection lists (max 20 characters).

Description: This can be a longer description of the operation.

Note: You can add a note for reference.

Job Bag Order: You can enter a number here that controls the order the operations appeared on the job bag by default
(eg 1 would appear at the top of the job bag 2 would appear next etc).

Customer Description: You can have a separate description that will show on the quote letter. You can leave this blank if the standard description is OK.

Description Group: You can link an operation to a description group to be used in the ‘Description Template Creator’ module.


Selection Explanations Below

Active: Make the operation active or inactive. Inactive operations will not be available when quoting.

Is Outsourced: If the operation is an outsourced operation, check this box. This will mean you do not have to add any pricing components and you will be prompted to manually add pricing when quoting.

Show in Descriptions: Select if you want this operation to be included in the final product description of the product. For example you may have an ‘Admin Fee’ operation that you charge but do not want that shown in the description to the customer.

Invoice Using Actuals: Invoice using the actuals from the operation when logged into by an operator.

Invoice Using Quoted if Untimed:  If the operation has not been logged into, use the quoted costs.


Operation Type: You must select a finishing type.

IMPORTANT* Once you have saved after choosing the Operation Type you cannot change it to another type.

‘Operation Type’ Structure

Side – Finishing applied to one side or the other of a job. (Laminating, Other Side Finishing)

Section – Finishing applied to only one side of a job. (Other Section Finishing)

Job – Finishing applied to entire job. (Other Job Finishing)

Job Extra – Finishing applied to completed job. (**any pricing used here is excluded from any IQ markup functionality)

Operation Categories

The options you include here determine how the operation is grouped in the custom quoting screen

Below shows how the Categories appear when quoting. The category selections you make in the operation setup (shown left), are the bold drop down group headers (shown below).

Schedule Categories

The options you include here determine where the operation shows on the production board:


Below shows how they appear on the Production Board:


Operation Type

Use the following (you will see some other options but these will give you the most options for pricing):

Side – Laminating, Other Side Finishing

Section – Other Section Finishing

Job – Other Job Finishing

Job Extra – This is old functionality that is now handled better by the above options

You can also add imposition requirements such as a minimum sheet size or additional room on any side of the job to add a grip and lay for finishing items that require it. There are also option to enter guillotine requirements if necessary:


Reference/Group Options

You have the ability to use 'references' so you can target individual 'component pricing' lines within an operation:

As an example, we have an operation called 'UV Part Sheet'.

We want to use this when only part of a printed sheet requires to be trimmed out and have a UV applied.

When creating this operation, I create as a 'Section' operation.

I need to ask two questions so I use the 'Heading' options to as the question. I can have a max of two questions only.

For question 1 I use the 'Ref' (Reference) option and ask what is the 'Part Sheet Size:'

For question 2 I use the 'Group' option and ask the 'Number of Sides:'
**Make sure you check 'on' the Show Component' options as this is what makes them show when quoting***


Now, within the pricing components, I can use the 'Reference/Group' options to apply specific pricing.

The 'Reference' is the master and is used to filter down the options shown in the 'Group' field.
I add the first pricing line for the part sheet size of '297x210' and then use the 'Group' field to enter the number of sizes. Then I add the pricing structure for that option:


I have added pricing for 1 & 2 side options for 297x210 and 297x420:

When you apply the operation to a quote, you will see the questions you have added with 'dropdown' options for you to select from:


Making a selection from the first question filters the options in the second question:


Make a selection in both question dropdowns and 'Update Quote' to calculate price:


Now based on the selections, IQ will use the pricing from the component line that matches the selections chosen:




You have the option to set a 'weight' to the operation. This weight will be added to the final jobs weight for use when calculating freight.

****Item of note: Currently the weight set against a 'material' itself is not added to the jobs weight, that must be done here****


Hide From Filter – This is for use with ‘Simplified’ product setup where to what the operation hidden from the filter selectors.

Auto Preflight – Old functionality. Not in use anymore.

Show In Job bag – Specifies if the operation is to show on the job bag as an item for an operator to log into.

Hide From Production Planning – Hides the operation from any production planning and wont show in the job bag.

Production Integration Enabled – New Feature.

Suppress Guillotine – Removes guillotining being automatically applied to the operation.

Materials Only – Lets you link the operation to a material. When selected you will see a list of material sets you can link to:

IMPORTANT* Once you have saved after choosing Materials Only you cannot change it to another type.

Department – Link the operation to a department to allow ‘department filtering’ on the ‘Operations Board’.

Account (Revenue) – Revenue code for accounting purposes.

Account(Expenses) – Expense code for accounting purposes.

Reporting Code – For use with account reporting.

Once the above is complete click the 'Add Operation' button.

The next step is to link the operation to the pricing components. This is where you add the pricing information for the operation. Back on the summary screen, click the ‘arrow’ next to the newly created item:

The window below appears: Click the +New Component Button.


The new component options will open.

Component Selection
In this example we have setup a Job Operation that uses a Machine with no materials, has a Make Ready time (time taken to set up), is charged out by the hour and has a minimum charge.

Operation Finishing – This lists the current operation (you shouldn't have to change this).

Resource Machine – From the dropdown choose the appropriate machine for this operation
Note* If no machine is used with the operation choose 'No Machine'.

Material Set – Choose a Material Set from the dropdown.

Note* If no materials are used with the operation choose 'No Materials Used'.



Make Ready H/rs – How long it takes to do the initial setup of the machine.

Cost P/hr – Enter the per hour cost of the Machine.

Min Cost – Enter the minimum cost.

Units P/hr – Enter the number of units that can be produced within 1 hour.



To Add/Remove Component Filters to your operation click the dropdown next to the Component Selection.




Import / Export
Where you have multiple component entries, rather than edit these one at a time, export them all as a CSV file, adjust the file and then re upload it.




After Exporting the CSV file, open the file in Excel and change the information to the new amount, in this example I have changed my hourly rates to my new rates, save your file

To upload your new rates 1. Click the Import button 2. Click the Choose button and select the new CSV file 3. Click the blue Upload button



Please note the following fields in the csv upload spreadsheets:

Column A - QComponentKey        

This column has a number that IQ autofills when any new component line is entered. The number is specific to this line. If you want to bulk 'update' existing lines, you can export the csv, change the price and reupload.

 If you are adding 'new' component lines, you must leave this field blank and IQ will assign a number to the new line once it has been uploaded:


Column B - QComponentTypeKey

IQ used a range of 'Component Types'. 
As per below:

Each of these types is assigned a number in the back-end code. This number tells IQ what component type to attach the upload to. 
All existing and new component uploads must have this number entered.


Column T - QFinishingKey

This entry tells IQ what 'operation' to upload the component lines to. 


This must use the exact 'Name' used for the required operation:



If you are starting with a clean component screen, it is best to add a first 'dummy' line with some basic pricing on it. Then do the first export and use this as a base to get the correct component number and operation name. You can then add the new component lines, upload and then delete the dummy line from the list.

Also, you can bulk upload to multiple operations using a single spreadsheet. You just need to make sure you have the above fields filled out correctly and multiple operations can be updated in one go.



****Item of note: Parameters are for internal use only.

Customers quoting under simplified do not have access to parameters. References and groups should be used for any customer facing operations. 


Click the dropdown next to the Operation and choose Parameters

Here you can add options that give the estimator some control over how an operation is costed. For example, in this operation for banding/bundling, we have a question that will show asking the estimator ‘How many items per bundle’ the want the job produced in. 


Display Title – This is the question that will show in the ‘Simplified’ quoting screens for internal users.

Description - This is the question that will show in the ‘Custom’ quoting screens.

We also have this question linked to a ‘Quantity Divider’ option. This means the number entered will be divided by the quantity of the job. So a job of 5000 units bundled into lots of 50 will require a total of 100 bundles. IQ will now cost 100 bundles based on the costing entered under that component.

When quoting, the component will look like this to the estimator: 


You have four types of calculation you can use within parameters:


Quantity Multiplier – This will multiply the quantity of the job by the number entered into the job operations question.

Quantity Override – This will ignore the quantity of the job and just use the number entered into the operations question to calculate the cost of the operation.

Quantity Divider - This will divide the quantity of the job by the number entered into the job operations question.

Job Quantity Override - This will ignore the quantity of the job and just use the number entered into the operations question to calculate the cost of the operation.

You can set the ‘default value’, ‘Factor’ and a ‘Rounding Rule’.


You can also select to have the parameter affect only the ‘material’ costs, ‘Machine Time’ cost or both.


Sub Operations


You can add ‘Sub Operations’ to a operation. When used they will show as sub operations within an operation that operators can log into.
In this example under a ‘Saddlestitch’ operation, we have added ‘makeready’ and ‘Run Time’ sub operations:


On the job bag, we can see the sub operations. These can now be logged onto separately so you can see the time taken for each part of the process:

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