Job Details Screen

Job Details Screen

The jobs detail screen can be accessed by Production > All Jobs Board and the View Jobs options by the menu.
It can also be accessed by any of the production boards by clicking on the job number:

The header displays the customer name, account manager as well as invoice and dispatch status.
An invoice can also be created or viewed by clicking on the invoice button:

If the job has already been invoiced, a drop down will appear next to the “Invoice” button. The “Create misc charge” button appears at the bottom of the list.

Clicking “Create misc charge” will open the misc charge modal. From here, you can create invoices for misc charges.

The “Create Invoice” button will appear in the drop down if there is a misc charge on the job that hasn’t been invoiced or the misc charge on the job has been invoiced, but not if the job itself has not been invoiced.

The drop down list gives quick access to other pages in IQ that relate to job information:

Also in the header there is a panel of options:

Access the job bag and view the job history:

View, add and edit miscellaneous charges:

Create a QA or task for the job:

View and download artwork:

Edit or copy the job:

The main body of the screen has 3 tabs – Details, Outsource and Dispatch.

DETAILS - The details tab provides the job title and description, artwork thumbnail, a link to the quote, the customer purchase order no reference, job size, due date and job status.
To edit the job title and description, hover over the text and click on the pencil icon:

The edit modal will be displayed. Edits can be made and then ‘Save & Close’ to return to the details screen:

You can download a copy of the artwork by clicking on the artwork thumbnail.

Add/view/edit the purchase order number:

Add/view/edit the due date:

Hover over the due date to display both the due date and the customer expected date:

Click into the date to edit and update both dates:

To manually update the Job status, click the downwards arrow to display a drop down list with all the status options.
As each department finish their part of the job, they can manually update the status here;

The job details also includes lists of ‘operations’ which can be started, paused and stopped from within the job
details. This feature can be made inactive in the operation details if not required. The operations can also be collapsed.

Using this functionality allows IQ to ‘automatically’ update the job status as opposed to the user ‘manually’ updating
as in the previous examples.

To start an operation, choose the green button:

To pause, click on orange button, and to stop choose the red:

Once the operations are complete, they will display as follows:

OUTSOURCE - The outsource tab allows you to create an outsource purchase order for the job:

Or view a current purchase order:

DISPATCH - The dispatch tab holds all the dispatch information and can be edited by clicking on the green button
with the freight price:

This opens the edit screen:

You can change the delivery address, add a new address or edit the current address:

Or contact details:

Or delivery method, which will also recalculate the cost:

The number of boxes can be set by directly editing the box quantity:

The status can be updated:

The contact can be e-mailed when the job is set to ‘dispatched’ by ticking the box:

If applicable, a connote number can be added:

And managed by clicking into the button:

Various delivery dockets can be accessed by the choosing the drop down menu button;

To the right of the screen there is Notes, Quote Questions and References.
Notes can be viewed and edited by clicking onto their title, and additional created by using the + button:

Any ‘Job References’ attached to the quote can be viewed and updated:

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