Job Bag 'Sort' Feature

Job Bag 'Sort' Feature


The Online Production Job Bag serves as a pivotal tool within the factory environment, offering comprehensive information on stocks, materials, processes, and operations necessary for product manufacturing. This document outlines the functionalities and benefits of the Online Production Job Bag tool in enhancing operational efficiency and facilitating seamless production processes.

In instances where jobs entail multiple sections with various operations within each section, the Job Bag accommodates the complexity by providing a structured overview. However, the extensive nature of such jobs can pose navigation challenges.

To address the issue of complexity, operators have the ability to filter the Job Bag based on the operations they are currently executing. By filtering out operations that are irrelevant to them, operators can streamline their view of the Job Bag, making pertinent information readily accessible.


The job bag Toolbar at the top of the open job bag allows operators to add / remove departments, select the view type and set the operations and details that will be displayed in the ‘Toggle’ selector:


When the Online Job Bag is opened, the Departments that the operator belongs to (as defined in their User Details) are pre-selected in the toolbar at the top of the job bag:

All operations are in a department.
Users’ departments are pre-selected on opening the job bag. The operator can select / de-select departments manually.
Selected operations (under the Toggle selector) that are in departments selected here are opened in expanded form when the job bag is opened.

Job Bag Format

When opened, the Online Job Bag defaults to its ‘Normal’ view. Optionally, Summary and Header views can be selected by the user:


The Toggle selector lists every operation on the job once. All occurrences of any selected operations will be presented on the job bag.
Operations not selected will not show.
The Toggle selector allows the user to select specific operations, and which details they wish to see on the job bag:

All operations have one and only one department set.
Users can belong to one or multiple departments.
On the job bag, users can select other departments that they may not be members of.

Only operations that have been selected under the Toggle Operations selector are shown in the job bag details. 
Additionally operations that are in the selected departments are automatically expanded.

The following job bag shows the guillotine and machine drilling operations in expanded detail because of the selected departments. The Machine Collate and Burst Bind belong to unselected departments and are not expanded by default:

They can be expanded by the operator with a click on the operation line:

The General Options in the Toggle selector control the details that are exposed on the job bag:

Barcodes will toggle visibility of barcodes throughout the job bag:

Job References show or hide then in the job bag header area:

Operation Questions will show or hide these fields in the job bag header area:

'Sections' is required to see more details than just the header. 
If Section is not selected in the toggles, nothing past ‘Supporting Documents’ is shown on the job bag:

'Section Headings' shows or hides the section headings:

Leaving just the operations:

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