How to set up and run a Job Audit
Navigate to the Operations page (Admin>Factory Configuration> Equipment Operations).
Open the operation and Click Reporting & Accounts Tab as per the screenshot below
By default Audit Default Value = Quoted
There are 4 options to choose from:
- Quoted - By default Job Audit will use quoted value.
- Actual (forced) - When clicking Save and re-calculate, Job Audit will use the actual figures from the job details.
- Actual (if exists) - When clicking Save and re-calculate, Job Audit will use the actual figures from the job details, if none exist quoted values will be used.
- Highest - Pick the highest number between Quoted and Actual when clicking Save and re-calculate.
How Job Audit calculation works
Job Audit only works if you're invoicing the customer based on Cost Plus calculation.
As per the screenshot below.
1. Set up Job Audit for Operations with timings
Job Audit only works if you have a price against the Machine Cost p/h and/or Labour Cost p/h
2. Set up Job Audit for Operations with parameters
Set up operation to show Quoted and Actual as per below (it is not displayed by default):
- Open Operations page
Find the operation containing parameters for which you want to show Quoted and Actual
- Click magnifying glass and click Parameters
- Tick Capture Actuals
Upon clicking the "Stop" button on the Job Details page, a p op-up window will appear.
- Click Save
Quoted and Actual are now added on the job details page.
3. Run Job Audit
Go to your Job Details page.
Click the hamburger menu, and click Job audit.
You will see the Job Audit details page.
Case Study
Company "A" requested a quote for an A4 CMYK matt poster with 2 hours of design work - the quote was approved by both parties.
The job required more time for design work, and in total, you used 3 hours of Design work instead of the 2 hours quoted.
You now need to invoice the job for 3 hours of design work.
In order to do so, navigate to the Job Audit page, and click Save and re-calculate.
The job will re-calculate and display the actual time spent on the job as per the below screenshot.
This is what was meant earlier by: "Job Audit only works if you're invoicing the customer based on Cost Plus calculation."
As the Quoted Amount above is based on the Cost Plus Calculation in Quote details page.
The back-end setting 'Invoice the Job Audit Total' must be active for this functionality to work:
This setting can only be accessed by printIQ support staff.