IQPlus - LotTrack Module

IQPlus - LotTrack Module


The LotTrack module allows paper and material inventory to be ‘tracked’ so if there are any quality issues related to a batch,
they can be traced to confirm what jobs have been produced using individual batches.


Create the inventory purchase order:

When receipting in, you can receipt in a single lot or multiple lots.
In this example we receipt in 2 lots. Click the ‘Lot’ button twice:

This creates two ‘Lot’ lines to receipt against:

When receipting in, you can manually enter the lot details, expiry and other fields
or you can click into the relevant field and use a scanner to scan barcodes for individual fields:

NOTE: ‘Expiry’ field when clicked, is a date selector:

As a common barcode format is the ESPMA, we have built in logic  to exclude the first 2 digits
(Application Identifier) when scanning and convert to a date format on receipt:

When scanned:

On receipt confirmation converts to date format:

‘Lot Labels’ can be printed from the purchase order from the lots ‘Print’ icon:

*The above barcode is the ‘Lot’ field. This can be used for scanning into the
‘Stock Pick’ screen or ‘Inventory Scanning’ screen


From within the inventory item there are various options for viewing and editing lots:

Edit Lots
Enables a quick view of active lots and available quantity from the dropdown:

Selecting a lot from the dropdown allows the editing of the fields available:

Lot Info

‘Lot Details’ is a report that can be used to see a list of jobs produced on that inventory item:

*The report has links directly to the job and inventory item for quick access

You can use the ‘FILTERS’ button to open additional filtering options. 
Here you can filter to a specific lot ID to see only jobs produced using the selected lot:

‘Lots on Hand’ report lists all lots and their quantity and expiry for stock on hand:

Access to print the individual ‘Lot Labels’:

Quantity Adjustments -
From the ‘Inventory’ board, against the item, from the dropdown you can make quantity adjustments:

You can also access adjustments from within the inventory details screen:

A ‘Stock Adjustment’ dropdown will show. You can select the lot you need to edit from the ‘LOT’ dropdown:

Here you update the quantity on hand as well as select a reason and add any notes:

This will update the items total qty and the individual lot qty:

A record of the transaction is logged in the item’s history:

Inwards Goods - 

If a customer send you stock on their behalf and no purchase order is required,
use the ‘Inwards Goods’ option to add the quantity into stock:

Enter received quantity and lot details:


Access the ‘Stock Pick’ screen from the dropdown against the job from the production boards:

Or from within the dropdown in the job details screen:

From the stock pick screen, you will see a field called ‘Lot (optional)’:

The dropdown will list all available lots along with the quantity on hand and the expiry date:

The user can select the lot from the list and make the pick or they can use a barcode scanner to scan the lot info from the label (this is useful when the list of lot options is very long): 

*The scan must be same barcode used when receipting in the goods and be from the ‘LOT’ field:

The scan populates the search field and filters the list to the scanned selection:

In this example the job requires a pick qty of 2500. We have 5000 on hand.
We need to pick from multiple lots as the maximum quantity we have in a single lot is 2000: 

We first pick 2000 qty from ‘Lot A’. Select the lot, enter the pick qty and click ‘Add’:

This adds the pick below:

Select the lot to pick the remaining qty from and click ‘Add’:

The second lot is added below:

‘Lot Labels’ can be generated to be adhered to the individual rolls/items for future identification:


This is what the customer can refer to you with if they find any quality issues with the stock.
They can quote you the ‘Inv Item Code’ and you use the items ‘Lot Details Report’ to track back for any other jobs
that were produced on the same lot.

Back in the job details screen, notes are added showing the pick details for quick reference:

*If picked lots have been removed and a different lot picked in its place, you can end up with redundant pick notes.
You can delete any lot notes that are no longer relevant. Notes do not auto delete when picks are altered.


If you select an expired stock when making the pick, you will be flagged asking if you would like to ‘ Use Expired Items’ or ‘ Skip Expired Items’.
If you select to use the stock will be picked against the job.
If you skip you can then select a different lot to pick from.

Back on the Inventory board, using the filter to show ‘Expired Items Only’, against the item select to ‘Remove Expired Items’:


A ‘Bill of Materials’ can also be generated for staff to use:

Pre stock pick the docket will show the stock details: 

Post stock pick, the docket will update with the confirmed pick details:


Lots and expiry can be manually added/edited via the item’s transactions screen.
Against an ‘Inwards Goods’ transaction, click on the ‘Lot’ or ‘Expiry’ filed:

Here you can edit and save:


When initially setting up items with lots, you may already have quantity on hand.
The best option here is to start from scratch. Zero out the current quantity and use either:
Inwards Goods – Use this option to manually add in all lots and qtys currently on hand
Inventory Purchase order – Create a purchase order for the total qty you have currently on hand.
Receipt in using lots to record all individual lots.

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