

IQconnect-XMPie Overview

IQconnect-XMPie allows you to connect XMPie directly to printIQ via an XML push. With this seamless integration printIQ will consume the XMPie XML and generate a Job or Sales Order (pick & pack) directly in printIQ. printIQ will also pull the XMPie generated artwork. There’s no double entry or risk of incorrect data being input by an operator working accross the two systems. Upon completion of the Job, printIQ will update the XMPie status. Users in XMPie will perform all of their activities in XMPie. printIQ will simiply take the XMPie order data from an XMPie Rule, calling on a web service. XMPie users do not have to learn printIQ. Conversely, printIQ operators can stay within printIQ. printiQ Quotes and Jobs will be the same as manually created and accepted Quotes and converted Jobs. The XMPie artwork is pulled via a printIQ web service call, and XMPie order status is updated by similar printIQ web service calls.
printIQ will map XMPie Orders to only products created via the Order Integration Admin screen or IQstore items

XMPie setup

You will need to create a special API User for printIQ to send and receive the web service calls. Speak to your XMPie Administrator for additional information. Once obtained, you will reference later in printIQ setup. Additionally, you will need to create a Rule in XMPie to Output OrderXML from one or all of your uStores. Speak to your XMPie Adminsitrator for additional information. The URL to reference in the Rule to Call a Web Service will be your printIQ site URL, followed by “/WebService/ImportXMPieString.aspx”. Example: 

XMPie Order Status
Each XMPie setup is configured with unique order status handling ID’s. These status updates provide an XMPie user an understanding the status of their order, and also controls how uStore progresses the product through production. From your uStore Administration, take note of at least two Order Handling Status ID’s for printIQ to reference when a Job is Accepted from XMPie, and when the Job is Completed. 

uStore External ID

You will need to configure the uStore’s External ID with a printIQ Customer Code. Obtain your desired customer code by viewing the Customer Details screen from the Customers tab / View Customers and select your desired customer

From your uStore Administrator, in the Store Setup screen, reference the printIQ Customer No in the External ID area 

User External ID
If you have XMPie Users of a single uStore but you want each User mapped to different printIQ Customers, simply enter for the XMPie User External ID the printIQ Customer Code you want to map to. Any order from that User will route to corresponding printIQ Customer.

Product External ID
When a XMPie Product hits printIQ, printIQ will look at it’s External ID. If you do not already assign External ID’s to your XMPie Products, you’ll need to now.
Decide on a convention that suits your needs. In XMPie Product Setup screens, enter or note the respective product’s External ID 
Once you’ve configured these initial settings in XMPie, you may move to printIQ to configure access and specify how default information will be received and processed.

XMPie Administration in printIQ
Initial configuration
From within your printIQ, go to the Admin file menu and select the Order Integration Admin from the drop-down. Enter the XMPie API User and Password you created previously.


You may then configure a particular site within your printIQ environment for the products to land, as well as specific Wholesale and Retail pricing to apply. Generally pricing is overridden via XMPie XML. Taking the previously noted XMPie Order Handling Status ID’s, reference one each for Job Creation and Job Completion within printIQ. Although the artwork is fetched from XMPie during Job Creation, it may take some time for XMPie to generate complex artwork. Therefore, you may configure a custom time interval to have printIQ attempt to fetch the artwork. Lastly, if an XMPie Order fails to create a printIQ Job, you may assign this error as a Task to an administrative user. He or she will see they have updated Tasks upon logging in, and will be guided on how to address the issue 

Integrating Products - Product Definition
As a User orders Products through XMPie, they will be unaware of the particular job operations required to produce a given product. But printIQ needs to understand (based on existing products) how the XMPie order will move through production. Therefore previously noted XMPie Product External ID’s will be manually mapped to the product tree nodes in printIQ. From the XMPie Admin screen in printIQ, select the Products tab. You will see three new tabs: Product Definition, Section Definition and Product Selection Map.


From the Product Definition area, firstly select any product tree node, parent or child. Second, specify any particular finishing that may not be configured to the original product tree node. Third, enter the External ID of the XMPie product as the XPCODE.

You will then configure a default Finish Size Width and Depth, in case the XMPie order information does not specifically contain a sizing element or values. Finally, specify whether the XMPie product size property value is honoured. If ‘Can Overrride Size’ is ‘Yes’, the XMPie product size property value is honoured. If ‘No’, your printIQ Finish Size Width and Depth is applied.

Integrating Products - Section Definition
From the Section Definition tab, you will inform printIQ what to expect when a particular XMPie product, by External ID, is encountered. Configure the amount of pages, the colour separation process for front and reverse, and which paper stock* will be used.

Continue configuring the fold, section type and any finshing operations. Lastly, you may enter for ‘XPSCODE’ the product name from XMPie.
By using the XMPie product name, it will be easier to link in the next integration tab.

* Paper stock is an Inventory Item. If you plan on using printIQ to manage inventory in XMPie, this Section Definition configuration will be mentioned later for XMPie 

Inventory Support.
Integrating Products - Product Section Map
For the third tab, you link your product definition with your section definition.

Integrating Components - Stocks
For the Components section, you map the various XMPie product properties and their values with corresponding printIQ stocks, processes and operations. For all of these configurations, it may be easier to test order a product first, then have the product warn or fail on printIQ end to determine the exact name of each property and it’s value. For Stock, you may search via the drop-down, but you need to enter the exact XMPie property and it’s value in order to correctly link.

Integrating components - colours
To configure the colours process, you need to control both front and reverse side. You may also be required to combine multiple properties and their values to achieve the correct mapping.
Use the ‘+’ sign to add two or more values per row.

Integrating Components - Folds
If your XMPie product contains folding options for end users to choose from, you may map these to printIQ folding operations. 

Integrating Components - Finishings
As with the colours components mapping, XMPie finishing options should be mapped to printIQ Job Operations. It is also best to test order a product to determine the exact naming / spelling of the property and it’s value. Again, you may use the ‘+’ configurator to apply multiple XMPie properties to a singluar (or group) printIQ Job Operation.

Integrating Components - Ignored
Lastly, XMPie products may contain options that do not require mapping to printIQ operations. In these cases, you can instruct printIQ to ignore these properties. As with colour processing and finishing, it is best to test order a product with the options selected to receive the warning or error in printIQ, then manually use the link on the XMPie Orders Board
to configure the option.

IQstore Item support

To support ordering of IQstore items from XMPie "On-Shelf" products, simply reference the XMPie Product External ID as the IQstore Item Code. PrintIQ will honour the XMPie order and create a Sales Order. To support XMPie inventory updates, see below.


You may present “On-shelf” XMPie products to your end users. XMPie contains Inventory controls complete with low quantity notification and safety levels. Now you can use printIQ to manage the inventory for these items. When inventory items are decreased or increased in printIQ, notification will be sent to XMPie and displayed (if specified) to the end user.

printIQ relays to XMPie the adjustment quantity (decrease / increase); NOT the overall quantity on hand value.


XMPie Product ID
Every time you create a new product in uStore, XMPie assigns a unique [sequential] ID. You will reference these ID’s when using printIQ to manage inventory 

In printIQ, go to the Inventory / Items file menu

Select your desired inventory item to open the Item Details Modal. * During the printiQ XMPie Admin / Section Definition area, you would have mapped a paper stock or inventory item to a XPSCODE and subsequent XMPie Product. It will be these products (if enabled for inventory management) that printIQ can manage the inventory. In the Inventory Item Details modal under Configuring the Item’s Locations, you will see a External Product Reference column. To have printIQ update inventory on XMPie, enter the XMPie Product ID for this field


You must configure all possible locations for the item with corresponding External Product Reference before using the Transfer Item function.

When you make adjustments in printIQ to these Items, XMPie will reflect the change. 


* Any XMPie Safety inventory level amounts will be decreased from the end User view

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