IQconnect-Esko module

IQconnect-Esko module

The IQconnect-Esko module utilises printIQ's existing Production Integration API to send and receive information to Esko Automation Engine. The Production Integration API will send Job XML and Quote Artwork from the printIQ site to an FTP server on your local area network. By using Esko's XML parsing tools, jobs can be created in Esko's production area, products may be processed, and information about processing can be sent back to printIQ.

The Production Integration standard scenario

printIQ's Production Integration scenario covers the basics of prepress file preparation:
  • Job Creation
  • Preflight submission
  • Soft Proof review cycle
  • Digital Front End submission
Other processing steps may be communicated to printIQ from Esko, but IQ is not responsible for support.

Establish FTP connection

IQ support will require FTP access from the printIQ system.

Please provide IQ support staff with the FTP address and user credentials for configuring your database.

Directories on FTP server

printIQ will place Job XML and Quote Artwork on to the FTP for access by Esko. These are the directories printIQ will be expecting:
  • xml_in / XMLDrop - production integration Job XML once a Quote is accepted
  • QuoteArtwork - if Users upload artwork into printIQ, this is where printIQ will transfer to local area network
  • JOBS - if printIQ is expected to retrieve Preflight Reports, or Soft Proof PDF files, they must reside in this directory

Other directories may be present on FTP root, but printIQ will only interact with those directories noted above.

In the Esko Automation Engine, create an Access Point for Esko to retrieve the files for processing.

See Esko documentation for instructions on Access Points.

Production Integration Job XML

The printIQ Production Integration Job XML contains all the information required for processing a Job.
How a Esko administrator chooses to parse out (XPath Query) and reference the information is purely a system by system design methodology.
Here is a sample of information available:
  • Job Number
  • Customer Code
  • Customer Name
  • Account Manager Name
  • Product Code
  • Artwork Files
  • Stock

The XML information is thorough. By incorporating Operation Components, Operation Questions or Quote Questions within your printIQ production framework, more information will populate the XML for further automation.
IQ is not responsible for assisting with XML file processing. 

Production Integration EventTypes

printIQ will accept SOAP calls to update job status, add Job Notes and move Jobs through the production stages. There are basic criteria that must be adhered to when instructing printIQ from Esko about file processing. For available EventTypes and System reference from Esko, please see the following Knowledge Base article here.

Within Esko, a Task is used to send these EventType calls. The Task will reference a Ticket to Interact with a Web Service. This ticket may form the basis of a complex Workflow Ticket.

The basis of the Interact with Web Service ticket is to reference a service, use a method and send a path of instructions.
You must first create a Esko service to your printIQ system.
For instructions on the Service function in Esko, see your Esko documentation.

Once your printIQ Service is established use the 'GET' Method to send information to printIQ.
For the Ticket Path, refer to the following code and screen grab.

Begin the path with:
Reference one of the dozen EventTypes as noted previously as per below:
Optional SystemData element. This element can be blank, or used to send specific EventType further information. Please see Knowledge Base article here.

Reference the Job as per below:
See your Esko documentation to understand how to extract variables from the Job XML parsing.

Reference the artwork file as per below

Optional EventText element. This element can be blank, or used to send specific EventType further information.

Once you've sent a successful EventType SOAP call to printIQ, Automation Engine will display the successful task, and you may view details of the response from printIQ.

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