IQconnect-Esko Product Setup scenario

IQconnect-Esko Product Setup scenario

High level overview of workflow scenario

Static Products may be ordered via the Simplified Products screen. Users may filter by specific Site or Customer, and then navigate via categories down to Product Ordering level.
Users may also Search via the Product Code.

Once a product is located, specify quantity and freight destination and order product. Or add multiple products to the shopping cart.

When the Jobs are accepted, printIQ will relay Job information down to the local Esko Automation Engine software. The Product Code is referenced, and Esko performs specified activities on the product and artwork files, if already available. During Esko processing, messages are sent back to printIQ to update Users on the state of artwork moving through production.

Product creation in printIQ

Download Template CSV

Using printIQ’s Upload Factory Capabilities function, multiple static artwork products may be created. Start with Factory Capabilities (under Admin file menu). From that screen, select the "Upload Factory Capabilities" function.

Download the Template CSV from the bottom of the screen.

This CSV file contains two header rows to assist you in entering data for all the fields. 

A number of columns need particular attention in regards to referencing artwork and pricing accordingly:
First and foremost, ensure you can successfully achieve a price from a custom quote on your intended product configuration!
Column ‘C’ for the ProductCode is the data Esko will refer to link the appropriate product
Column ‘D’ is the Tree Node you intend to link this Product to. You may upload hundreds of products via this CSV. Ensure you’ve isolated each product to intended customer via the Tree Node Customer or Customer Group restrictions
Column ‘AC’ is the PriceType controls wherein the CSV data overrides printIQ pricing engine calculations. Enter a ‘3’ for this field. The value of ‘3’ refers to the Pricelist and the Primary Pricing Method. You will be entering fixed quantities and dollar amounts in the CSV. ‘3’ is the Fixed Quantities Primary Pricing Method. Refer to your system pricing administrator to understand the true wholesale pricing totals for your products
Column ‘FH’ is the Bypass Artwork Submission control. Enter a ‘1’ for this field. The value of ‘1’ instructs printIQ to skip the Upload Artwork screen after the User pays for, or Accepts the Quote. The actual static artwork (referenced later) will be pulled in for the newly created Job
Column ‘FJ’ is the products Description field. The User will view this Description when they reach the root category for your product. If nothing is entered for this field, printIQ will insert the products makeup (stock, processing, finish size, etc.). You may accommodate multiple lines or a few special characters via the following table:

New Line

Column ‘GD’ is the Section Artwork field. Enter the exact name and files extension of the PDF artwork here. See next topic

Artwork reference

Prior to uploading your filled out products CSV, you must first upload the Product Creation Artwork files! Choose one or more files and Upload. These in turn will reside on a FileStore location configured by IQ development, or to a local FTP server at your premises

Upload populated products CSV

From the Upload Factory Capabilities screen, hit the Product CSV button to navigate to your local workstation and Open your populated product CSV.

When the CSV file name populates the field, hit Import button near bottom of screen.

If there are no errors, hit the Create Products button. Once products are created, hit the View Created Products button. The next screen will allow you to Activate newly created, Draft products.

Once activated, test Simplify Order your products!

Esko connection

printIQ will deposit an XML of the Job production details onto an FTP folder on your local area network. Refer to Esko Automation Engine documentation on linking an Access Point to FTP.

Once the XML is interpreted, any number of Esko Automation flows will run. Refer to Esko Automation Engine documentation on creating and linking tickets and building schema to interpret the printIQ ProductionDetails.xml. Every printIQ XML will be simply named with the respective printIQ Job Number. The <ProductCode /> attribute will contain the ProductCode value noted earlier.

SOAP calls back to printIQ

Esko Automation Engine contains a Interact with Web Service flow element. This element sends web service (EventType) calls back to your printIQ system. Upon receiving the appropriate calls, printIQ may update a Job’s Status, as well as move the Job Sections on to the next Operation.

Refer to this page for further information on Esko-appropriate SOAP scripts to incorporate with your setup.

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