IQconnect-Enfocus SWITCH on Simplified and Custom Quoting

IQconnect-Enfocus SWITCH on Simplified and Custom Quoting

High Level Overview

The IQconnect-enfocus SWITCH module allows administrators to integrate an Enfocus workflow within printIQ. By combining printIQ with the Enfocus product bundle you have the framework to build a dedicated workflow to match a range of business configurations. printIQ delivers the artwork and job meta data to Enfocus Switch. Preflight, proofing, RIP and email workflows then commence with Switch passing back data to printIQ to keep production boards updated. Communication between the two systems is taken care of via APIs and Switch Configurators.

Job Operations "behind the scenes"

From a printIQ quote to job acceptance, Enfocus SWITCH will reference job operations specified at estimate and quote stage. During printIQ system deployment stage, every "automated" Job Operation will be configured to appear on XML (eventually) interpreted by Enfocus SWITCH. These Job Operations will list at the end of the XML as child elements of the IntegrationOperations parent element.


* As these IQ Automated Job operations are created with default settings, ensure you manage their component pricing before applying them to quotes. See your printIQ Admin for further details, or refer to end of this page.

By referencing an operation for production integration, you may configure this operation as part of an Enfocus SWITCH flow. Enfocus SWITCH will then process the instruction accordingly. Standard production integrated job operations are:

  • Preflight
  • SoftProofLowRes
  • SoftProofLowResImposed
  • SoftProofHighRes
  • SoftProofHighResImposed
  • Imposition
  • RIP
  • SendToPress

* Currently, an ‘Impo’ Job Operations will require Impostrip from Ultimate Technologies.

RIP or Send to Press will require customisation via IQ development team. See your printIQ administrator for further details.

SWITCH Operations during Custom Quote

Go to Quoting / Custom and select your intended Customer from your Site. Choose your intended Job Type and provide a Job Title. Specify your Section(s) Properties as required.

When you’re ready to specify the Job Operations, a basic, standard SWITCH flow would entail a preflight and a soft proof. Select and Apply these operations to your job. Note: your system job operations may have slightly different naming conventions.

* Preflight and Soft Proof MUST occur consecutively

Certain job operations, such as soft proof, may require additional information at time of quote. A soft proof will require an email contact. Please enter required contact detail. For further information on configuring quote questions, see the quote questions article.


Continue specifying remaining details of your quote. The Quote contact will become the person who receives Preflight result notification emails. If you'd like to override Preflight result email recipients, see the quote questions article.

Adjust any or all of the following email templates:
  • PrintIQ Artwork Preflight Warning Halt (preflight with warnings)
  • PrintIQ Artwork Replacement Email (preflight with errors)
  • PrintIQ ProductionIntegration PreflightSuccess (successful preflight)

Submitting Artwork

If you have artwork on hand, you may upload when requested from printIQ. Be sure to hit the 'Confirm' button!

Having chosen the Preflight job operation beforehand, SWITCH will process the artwork against the section and job properties:

  • If a process is selected for front and back, Preflight will expect a two page document
  • Finished size will be inspected
  • Image resolution will be checked
  • If Kinds are specified, SWITCH will expect a multiple page document equivalent to the amount of Kinds, including front & back
  • See your SWITCH administrator for further information on PitStop inspection criteria

If no artwork is available at time of quote acceptance, the printIQ system will supply a placeholder file for SWITCH to utilise in storage until customer supplied artwork is available. This placeholder file is a requirement for Enfocus SWITCH to have something to work with in regards to running a flow. But although this placeholder file will not invoke the subsequent Preflight or Proofing flows, printIQ treats it's submission as 'artwork', and general printIQ Job Status logic applies: i.e. after artwork submission, set the status of the Job to the Job's initial operation.


If the artwork contains no warnings or errors, an email will be sent to the Contact Name designated during quote confirmation stage.


If the artwork contains warnings or errors, an email will be sent to the Contact Name designated during quote confirmation stage.The email will note any warnings with the file, and allow the contact person to Accept & Continue, or Replace Artwork.


To Accept, simply click the button in the email, and the contact will be directed to the printiQ site wherein they log in, and receive a confirmation of acceptance.


To Replace, simply click the button in the email, and the contact will be directed to the printIQ site wherein they log in, and are taken to the Submit Artwork screen. Click the Replace, select updated artwork from local workstation, and hit Upload.


Be sure to hit the Confirm button!

Replacing Placeholder file

If the User did not previously supply artwork, and the placeholder PDF was utilised instead, you may replace the placeholder with actual artwork.

Note: the Job must be in a Pre-Production schedule category to replace artwork. Artwork will be Locked once Job is in a Production schedule category.

From a Job Details screen, hit the Artwork button.


Simply Replace the placeholder artwork with actual job artwork, as outlined above.

Soft Proofing Artwork

If a soft proof operation was specified, an email will be sent to the recipient upon completion of successful preflight. Click the View my proofs link.


The user is taken to a secure printIQ page with no login required. Click Review Proof to download the artwork.


Either Reject or Approve the artwork.


The account manager of the customer or job will be notified.

Other specified job operations may continue, such as hard copy proofing, imposition creation and RIPing for high resolution output. See your printIQ administrator for additional information.

Simplified Quotes for SWITCH

By referencing Production Integration Enabled Job Operations on Simplified Quoting, estimators and your end clients may invoke automation without the need to understand production flows or complexity.

Take note of the Job Operations you would like to configure for a certain product. Go to Admin / Factory Capabilities and select Modify Existing Capabilities. Select a parent or child Tree Node of the product you wish to configure for SWITCH automation. From the next window, click to open the Node further and under the Define Job section, select JobFinishing.


Multiselect the options you want. Click the Add Group, and you will now have your JobFinishing Operations enabled via tick, in order separated by commas. All operatons must belong to the singular group.


Once all Job Operations are configured as desired, move to Create Options to Create (or Update) your Product(s). You may make any necessary adjustments here for pricing, tags or quantities. Hit the Create button below when finished.


You may ignore any window that follows, and simply go to Quoting / Simplified and test order your product.

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