IQconnect-Enfocus SWITCH - Importing Standard flows

IQconnect-Enfocus SWITCH - Importing Standard flows

Preparation - Job access

IQ support staff will coordinate connectivity of your printIQ system to an FTP server in your local area network. This FTP server will be accessible by the Enfocus SWITCH software / server; the FTP service may even run on the same Enfocus SWITCH server.

The printIQ system will place Job XML files into a 'xml_in' directory on the root of the FTP directory. The printIQ system will also place Job artwork and any supporting files into a 'quoteartwork' directory at the root of the FTP directory. Finally, printIQ will expect to interact with a 'Jobs' directory at the root of the FTP directory.

You must ensure your Enfocus SWITCH setup has read / write access to the FTP root, and understand the directory paths for the configuration steps below.

For additional Production Integration setup steps in printIQ, please see following article here.

Importing the Flows

IQ offers six standard flows for production automation between printIQ and Enfocus SWITCH. You will receive these as a ZIP file from an IQ support staff. Please follow each table of instruction below to adjust the flow(s) for your particular environment.

1 - Workflow Selector printIQ

XML Input
Local path to FTP/xml_in directory
Create Job
Wherever customer decides to place input folders
Wherever customer decides to place input folders
Send Proof
Wherever customer decides to place input folders
Send to Press
Wherever customer decides to place input folders
Replace File
Wherever customer decides to place input folders
Archive Job
Wherever customer decides to place input folders
Restore Input
Wherever customer decides to place input folders
Create Job Email
To addresses
Override here if desired (currently set to Job's Account Manager email)

2 - Create Job printIQ

Create Job from PrintIQ XML
Previously designated input folder
Create Job from PrintIQ XML
Private Data
Adjust the three lines of private data for your local environment. "Home" will be your customer acronym you coordinate with IQ support staff, and is also adjusted at next step. Be aware of SWITCH support for slashes, or directory separators. Please see Enfocus SWITCH Help documentation for further assistance.
Connector between Inject Master Job and Folder 34
Inject / Job Path
Most systems should have AppData buried under
Users / switch. Simply use Windows File Explorer to
navigate to PropertySets/1/Master Job and rename
to Customer acronym the ‘customer’ sub directory ("Home").
This folder location may only be Chosen through
JOBS volume
Local access to Job storage
Mail Send(s)
To addresses
Override here if desired (currently set to Job's Account Manager email)

3 - Preflight File printIQ

Preflight Submit
Above previously designated input folder
Preflight Submit
Private Data
Adjust the three lines of private data for your local environment. "Home" will be your customer acronym you coordinate with IQ support staff. Be aware of SWITCH support for slashes, or directory separators. Please see Enfocus SWITCH Help documentation for further assistance.
PitStop Server
Preflight Profile
Customer choice
PitStop Server
Variable Set
Customer choice. See Enfocus SWITCH Help for further assistance supporting XML data in variable sets
Jobs (2 x elements)
Local access to Jobs directory
Mail Send (from Problem Jobs)
To Addresses
Override here if desired (currently set to Job's Account Manager email)

4 - Create Proof printIQ

Send to Proof
Above previously designated input folder
Send to Proof
Private Data
Adjust the three lines of private data for your local environment. "Home" will be your customer acronym you coordinate with IQ support staff. Be aware of SWITCH support for slashes, or directory separators. Please see Enfocus SWITCH Help documentation for further assistance.
Create Low Res PDF
Actions List(s)
Select many from the library according to customer requirement
Create High Res PDF
Action List(s)
Select many from the library according to customer requirement
Local Jobs directory
Mail Sends (if any)
To addresses
Override here if desired (currently set to Job's Account Manager email)

All Elements pertaining to Imposition may be ignored, or configured at customer discretion. Please see Enfocus SWITCH or Ultimate Impostrip Help documentation.

5 - Send to Press printIQ

Send to Press
Above previously designated input folder
Send to Press
Private Data
Adjust the three lines of private data for your local environment. "Home" will be your customer acronym you coordinate with IQ support staff. Be aware of SWITCH support for slashes, or directory separators. Please see Enfocus SWITCH Help documentation for further assistance.
Mail Send (if any)
To Addresses
Override here if desired (currently set to Job's Account Manager email)

Adjust and configure other Elements of the 'Send to Press' flow as required; printIQ does not offer support for specific press digital front ends, JDF connectors or SWITCH apps. For further assistance, please refer to your print engine vendor specifications, or Enfocus SWITCH Help documentation.

6 - Replace File printIQ

Replace File
Above previously designated input folder
Replace File
Private Data
Adjust the three lines of private data for your local environment. "Home" will be your customer acronym you coordinate with IQ support staff. Be aware of SWITCH support for slashes, or directory separators. Please see Enfocus SWITCH Help documentation for further assistance.
Mail Send (if any)
To Addresses
Override here if desired (currently set to Job's Account Manager email)

All of the six standard flows were designed and configured on Enfocus SWITCH 2018 for Windows. Adjustments for unique file paths and javascript particulars for the Macintosh OS are strictly the responsibility of the customer.

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