IQ Standard Reports

IQ Standard Reports

A brief walkthrough and explanation of standard reports included with IQ...

Customer \ Customer Activity in Selected Period
This report provides a list of ALL of your active customers showing Job activity in the selected date range.
The sorting logic for this report...
  - All Customers having Jobs accepted in the selected period, in order from highest total order value to lowest
     followed by
  - All Customers who do not have Jobs in the selected period, but have had Jobs outside this range, in alphabetical order by Customer Code
     followed by
  - All Customers who do not have any Jobs at all (Leads), in alphabetical order by Customer Code
Clicking on the Cust Code will open the Customer Details page for that customer.
Clicking on the # of Jobs will open a child report in a new tab displaying the individual Jobs which make up that total.

Customer \ Last Activity By Customer
This report provides a list of ALL of your active customers, grouped by Account Manager, and sorted by how long ago their last activity was.
If there are customers who appear on this report who you know will not be doing future business with you, set those customers as Inactive...
Click on the customer Code link, then on the Customer details page select Active = No, Save, close the Customer page, then UPDATE RESULTS on the report.
Since the report only shows Active customers, this effectively removes them from appearing on this report.
If this customer later resumes doing business with you, you can easily set them to Active = Yes to restore all of the saved detail for this customer.

Reports \ Active Users
This report displays a list of users who are currently logged in to a timing operation on a job.
Click the Job No to open the Production Time Entry page for that job if you need to make any changes.

Reports \ Cost Of Goods Sold - Jobs
This COGS report shows the value of material used in Jobs, with summary totals by GL account.
It has separate totals and details for "Jobs Invoiced In This Period" and "WIP - Work In Progress (Active Jobs, not invoiced)".
This report has a Filter which can specify the date period for inclusion of Invoiced jobs or sales orders.  This filter does not affect the WIP amounts, as non-invoiced items are still non-invoiced in any date range.

Reports \ Cost Of Goods Sold - Sales Orders
This COGS report shows the value of material used in Sales Orders, with summary totals by GL account.
It has separate totals and details for "Sales Orders Invoiced In This Period" and "WIP - Work In Progress (Active Sales Orders, not invoiced)".
This report has a Filter which can specify the date period for inclusion of Invoiced jobs or sales orders.  This filter does not affect the WIP amounts, as non-invoiced items are still non-invoiced in any date range.

Reports \ Estimated vs Actuals - OVERVIEW
This report provides a summary of Estimated vs Actual job operation costs over a range of jobs.  Clicking on a Job No will take you to a detailed report for that Job showing totals for each separate operation.

Reports \ Estimated vs Actuals - OVERVIEW by Greatest Over-Budget
Reports \ Estimated vs Actuals - OVERVIEW by Greatest Under-Budget
Reports \ Estimated vs Actuals - OVERVIEW by Job Number
As above, but pre-sorted by different criteria (as per each title).

Reports \ Estimated vs Actuals
This report is NOT intended to be run directly.
This is the Child report that is called from one of the OVERVIEW reports above.

Reports \ Hit and Miss
This is not actually a report, but a link to an interactive page on which you can specify criteria for analysis of Quotes created vs Jobs accepted, etc.

Reports \ Inter Site Billing
If you have a multi-site configuration where you maintain separate accounting, and invoice back and forth for work sold at one site but produced by the other, then this report provides a summary of the Inter-Site invoices for those situations.

Reports \ Inventory Value
This is a list of ALL inventory items, with quantity and value by each warehouse location where they reside.  It includes Filters to narrow by Item Type, Location, and other criteria.

Reports \ Invoiced by Account Manager
This provides a list of Invoices grouped by their associated Account Manager, within the specified reporting period.

Reports \ Items Picked
Reports \ Items Picked with Value
This provides a list of Inventory Item Picks, grouped by Item, sorted by Pick Date.  It shows which User picked the item, from which Location, which Job or Sales Order it was picked for, and how many were picked.  The "...with Value" version also includes the Value of each inventory pick.  It includes Filters to specify the Item Pick Date range, the Item Type, and the User who made the pick.

Reports \ KPI Quote Win Rate by Account Manager
This provides statistics on Quotes, Products quoted, and Jobs accepted, grouped by Account Manager, within the specified Quote Created reporting period.

Reports \ KPI Quote Win Rate by Estimator
This provides statistics on Quotes, Products quoted, and Jobs accepted, grouped by Estimator (user who created the quote), within the specified Quote Created reporting period.

Reports \ KPI RFQ to Quote Turnaround
For sites which use the Request For Quote workflow, this shows statistics on time between creation of the RFQ and creation of a Quote to go with that RFQ.

Reports \ Lot Details Report
Reports \ Lots On Hand Report
If you use Lot tracking in your inventory, these reports give details of that Lot information.

Reports \ Machine Utilisation
Within the specified date range, for each Machine associated with an Operation in a Completed job, this report will display Quoted Hours (total as estimated), Quoted Clicks (for click-based operations), and Logged Hours (based on your users' actual logged time entries).
Clicking on the Machine name will open a Machine Utilisation Detail report which will show you which specific Jobs/Operations contributed to the totals.
From this Detail report, clicking on the Job No will take you to the Job Details page, and clicking on the Logged Hours number will take you to the Production Time Entry page for that job.
The Job Accepted Date is a Required filter.  When the report first launches it will display...
   Please select parameters
   Filter #1 - Job Accepted
Press the FILTERS button, then enter the desired date range, optionally limit the results to one or more specific Machines (no selection = All machines), then UPDATE RESULTS.

Reports \ Misc Charges by Job
If you create Miscellaneous Charges on Jobs, this report will provide a list showing details of Misc Charges over a range of Jobs.

Reports \ Payment Report
If you accept Payments through IQ, this report will list all Payment transactions with multiple Filters to isolate specific information.

Reports \ Prepaid Customer Credit
If you have Customers configured to use a pre-paid Credit Balance, this report will provide a list of Customers and their current available Credit Balance.

Reports \ Production Time Entries
This report will list details of when your users start and stop time logging against operations on Jobs.

Reports \ Quote Statistics by Account Manager
This provides status, counts, and win/loss statistics of quotes, grouped by Account Manager.

Reports \ Quote Statistics by Customer
This provides status, counts, and win/loss statistics of quotes, grouped by Customer.

Reports \ Rework Jobs Costing
If you use the Rework workflow, this provides a summary of costs associated with Rework Jobs.

Reports \ Sales Summary
This provides a list of Invoices generated in the specified time period, with Filters to narrow results by Customer, Account Manager, etc.

Reports \ Tasks
If you use IQ Tasks, this will provide a list of current Task details in the system.

Reports \ User Time Log
Reports \ User Time Log Time Entry
Reports \ User x Production
If you use IQ's Clock-In / Clock-Out functionality, these reports provides details of those user transactions.

Reports \ Work in Progress - Accounts
This WIP report is intended for your accounting team.  It shows jobs in-progress (not complete, not cancelled) that have not been Invoiced.

Reports \ Work in Progress - Accounts - with breakdown
As above, but with extra fields to show quoted amounts versus what has been logged to-date against each job.

Reports \ Work in Progress - Production
This WIP report is intended for your production coordinators.  It shows jobs in-progress (not complete, not cancelled, not on-hold, not awaiting anything) regardless of Invoiced status.

Senior Management \ User Details
This report lists all User accounts in IQ showing Enabled/Disabled status, Last Login, Roles, Responsibilities, Departments, etc.
NOTE: Since this report contains sensitive security data, permissions are set such that it is only accessible to users who have the Reports Admin reporting permission category on their user account.

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The Dashboards folder
This folder contains the definitions of all of the Dashboards - i.e. "Overview" that users land on when they log in.
If you create new dashboards, feel free to save them into this folder.  (not actually necessary, but good clean housekeeping)

The Sub Reports folder, and the sub-folders under it
Each sub-folder under the Sub Reports folder contains the reports which populate a Dashboard.
For example, the Sub Reports\Overview folder contains the reports which populate the Overview Dashboard.
The reports in these sub-folders are not intended to be run as standalone reports.
If you create new dashboards, feel free to create a new sub-folder under Sub Reports in which to store the reports you use to populate your dashboard.

The Datasource, Z_Datasources, and ZZ_Datasource folders
These folders contain "virtual datasource" reports.  These are not intended to be run as standalone reports.  These are reports which pre-gather, pre-filter, or otherwise pre-process data from other sources, to be use as a source themselves to drive another top-level report.
If you create your own virtual datasource reports, feel free to save them into one of these folders.  (not actually necessary, but good clean housekeeping)

The Est vs Act Dashboard
This is one dashboard that is not intended to be directly run on its own.
Most dashboards can be launched by clicking the center of the dashboard icon, or choosing it from the dropdown menu if you already have a dashboard open, but Est vs Act requires special pre-filtering to render correctly.
To correctly launch the Est vs Act dashboard, access it from the drop-down menu on either the All Jobs Board or a Job Details page...

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