Invoicing Method Dropdown Selection (applies to Detailed Invoicing only)

Invoicing Method Dropdown Selection (applies to Detailed Invoicing only)

The following applies when invoicing by operation only (Detailed Invoicing) the quantity on each operation line can be controlled by IQ.

The Invoicing Method can be configured for Guillotines, Presses and Operations.

When invoicing by job, the Invoice Method is not used.

In Guillotines, set the Invoice Method through the Extra References modal

In the Press definition, the Invoice Method settings are in the Press Reference area at the bottom of the modal.

You can control the Invoice Method for the printing as well as the Paper Stock Draw.

And the Operations’ invoicing method is configured in the Reporting & Accounts tab of the modal.

The available options for the Invoice Method are

Each                            Number of times the operation is applied. Always ‘1’

Job Quantity              Quantity ordered

Section Quantity        Quantity on the section (including spoils)

Run Time                     Time taken to perform the operation

Press also has the options

Total Sheets                Total number of sheets being printed including all spoils

Finish Sheets              Total sheets coming out of the press (includes finishing spoils)

Guillo also has the options 

Sheets In                     Number of sheets being cut on the guillotine

Sheets Out                  Number of cut sheets coming from the Guillotine

Operation (Other Section Finishing) also has the options

Parameter Per 1000   Finishing operation parameter. Shows as per 1000 on the invoice document

Parameter Each          Finishing operation parameter. Shows as unit price on the invoice document                                                                  

The Per 1000 and Each prices are optional fields on your invoice document.

The effect of these settings becomes more apparent when creating invoices.

The example below relates to a job for 1000 A4s.

Stock Sheets are SRA3.

The Paper Stock Draw invoice method is configured on each press. The options are the same as they are for printing…

There is a drop-down for the Ink References on the press definition, but only ‘Each’ is available.

On the quote you can see the figures…

When the job is invoiced with the paper stock draw set to total sheets, you will get the following…

Guillotining was set to ‘Sheets In’, which will includes Finish Spoils, but not make ready or print running spoils. This is because the printing operation has been completed before the Guillotine operation was begun and the print spoils do not go through as finishing spoils.

Calculates a Per 1000 price, rather than an Each price.

The invoice document could present the invoice details like…

With the Each pricing method, the invoice presents a quantity of 1 and a Flat Rate / Each price…

Job Quantity brings through the quantity ordered on the job and calculates a Per 1000 price.

Note there is NO difference between this operations’ details and the one above, except for the Invoicing Method used. 

Parameter Per 1000 will also calculate a Per 1000 price.

Again the workings of the operation are identical to the one above. The reason the prices are different is because the quantity for this operation was entered as a parameter of 1421.

As above, the quantity on this operation was also entered as a parameter of 1200…

Parameter Each calculates a unit price (line total / quantity)

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