Inventory - Quantity on Hand

Inventory - Quantity on Hand

Adjust Inventory

Manage location ‘Quantity on Hand’ upload function allows you to increase or decrease the quantity of your items in specific locations as well as create new location  mappings.  

**NOTE: This function is basically a bulk csv upload of the manual ‘Adjustment’ option against an inventory item:

The fields here are the same as the options in the csv:


Users can easily bulk update, via a csv, the quantity on hand for inventory items for stocktaking.

Under the menu option ‘Quantity on Hand’:

A blank csv template can be exported:

If you're using Excel to manage changes, and you have item codes that are numbers that start with 0 or numbers that end in .00, then you need to ensure the Item Code column is read as text only by importing the file differently.
Please follow the steps on under Section "Convert numbers to text when you import text data".

If you're writing from scratch then you can format the column as text.

This is a basic csv that the user can enter the item details to alter the quantity on hand:

The common method for updating quantities is to export a csv of existing items from printIQ:

Filters can be used to narrow down the exported items. Then the csv can be generated:

The export will have all the item related fields prefilled

Back in the management screen, from the ‘Upload’ tab I select my csv and ‘Upload’:


I now want to upload the adjustments. 
Under the ‘Upload’ tab, select the saved csv file and upload:

The user just needs to update the ‘QOH’ filed to the new quantity and enter a ‘reason’ from the list of ‘Valid Reasons’:

When uploading any issues encountered are presented below the record. 

Items can be excluded by clicking the cross at the end of the row or you will need to edit the csv before uploading again.
In this example I entered an invalid ‘Reason’ due to a spelling error:

After fixing the csv:

I upload again without errors:

After clicking ‘Confirm Import’ you will get a notification of the successful upload.

If I now search on the inventory item, I will see the updated quantity:

In the item’s transaction history:

**The ‘Notes’ field on the CSV (when populated) is appended to the Reason and inserted into the transaction record notes field.

Unit Cost and Item Location can also be changed:

Unit Cost:

The unit cost field only gets read if the new quantity on hand is larger than its current quantity. If it’s lower, it will use the default preferred supplier unit cost which is the same functionality as an adjustment.


Important to note that changing the location in the csv and uploading will create a second entry and not update the current location. Change from ‘Warehouse 2 to ‘Store’:

To ‘Store’:

Once uploaded:

Will create two locations with the uploaded quantity:

If you want to change the qty location, add a second line and zero out the qty on the original location:

Inventory Locations before upload:

Upload Confirmation:

Inventory locations after upload:

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